This is looking great!. Can't wait to see what you do with it because right now I love everything about it!
Thanks Lingon!
### LATEST WIP ###
To Redrobes : I change the size of the map due to the increase in limitation (I think it has increased even for normal members)
Instead of twice the original size, it's 3 time bigger.
I did some tweaking here and there.
I added some waves but I'm not sure if I will do the whole seas with that pattern.
Added more mountains.
Tried some types of tree. I like them but I'm not sure if it fits well with the mountains.
Added clouds, still experimenting. What would be the Kingdom in the clouds without clouds?
Changed the fonts.
I worked a lot on finding meaningful names in Chinese, it took me some time already and I still need a bunch more. I'll post them later when I figure out on to display them. I think I'm going to put the provinces in a corner on some sort of mini map. There are 35 provinces and each one of them has a capital. Most of these are the size of whole countries. The largest of them is about the size of Ukraine.
So, lots of names to find.
Last edited by Azélor; 04-23-2016 at 02:07 AM.
This is looking great!. Can't wait to see what you do with it because right now I love everything about it!
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Nice work so far Azelor. I like those pointy mountains.
Not sure about the waves either... Right now, I think the more sparse wave zone looks better. Concerning the forests, the top one with color is excellent imho.
A small update. Been adding some trees to the jungle known as Lǜsuě. At this moment, the jungle covers around 400 000 square kilometres, and it's growing everyday...
I also did some tests with terrace farming.
terrace farming tests.jpg
That is looking great Azelor.
I love the step terraces and the jungle looks very cool.
Looking forward to seeing this all progress.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
By the way, all of this is done using only a mouse on illustrator. A 14 years old wired optic mouse, I should add.
That sounds like torture
And a wired mouse.... which you found at an archeological dig somewhere, haha.
You have 'will of iron' - that needs to be a badge for you and Ilanthar, for doing all this work with a mouse.
I tried doing that a while back - couldn't do it. Had to return to my tablet - no 'will of iron' where that's concerned.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Gah!...more forests!...(shudder!)
That's pretty impressive! I use a mouse when I do Campaign Cartographer for drawing everything and for placing symbols. This is looking good Azelor.
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A will of iron indeed, that's crazy! I applaud your persistence, I would have gone mad by that time.... Why haven't you gotten a tablet??Y'know, I think I'll give you some rep now, pretty impressive to do all that.
It's pretty cool that you're doing it on illustrator too!