Hearty, deeply greatful thanks go out to those who listened to my pitch at Gen Con!
So I've been busy, as you can tell with the update. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner John, the photo is of the entire globe, showing both poles. I need to remap the UV's still, until then i'm just doing the artwork by hand as I have to have something to do while our manufacturer get's their template to me.
Hearty, deeply greatful thanks go out to those who listened to my pitch at Gen Con!
A bit late to the party, but holy guacamole! that's amazing, I particularly like the ocean shading. Wow.
Thank you mbartelsm!
For anyone that wants to be aware of this projects kickstarter release of the globe game, PM me with your email info and I’ll put you on my email list. Thank you!
Just an aside, I was first inspired years ago by the breathtaking work done by Arsheesh with his map of Eriond. Amazing stuff!
Also, here is the pic of my first setup at Gen Con in Indianapolis.IMG_0241.jpg
So it's been a while! I've been diligently working on Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game (Like us on Facebook for updates on the game by searching for Veridian Worldcrafters) and upgrading the world map. I just started learning WILBUR and it's blown me away with how awesome of a program it is. So awesome that I was inspired to write Waldronate a professional love poem (check the general forum at the top of the list to view it).
So here's the goods after the first day:
More photo's available upon request
Major Update: Style!
any critiques and suggestions are welcome!
Here is a major artwork update, note the details! The lack of precise blending is intentional, the spaces need to be defined to allow people to see it clearly for the game i'm making.
Snippet4(without Globegamefeatures).PNG
Here's an update to all of the links concerning the project. Enjoy!
Here's where you sign up, Enjoy!