So thought I could use this challenge as an excuse to do something I've had in mind for some months.

I like dwarves, you see. And I like Barcelona (my hometown) as well. So I've thought of diggin' a dwarven city out of it. Dunno where this will lead, but wanna try it anyway just for the fun.

My base material and starting point will be its subway system. So this is my starting image as well:

### LATEST WIP ###
Mapa xarxa de metro.jpg

I'm not intending here to get to a super fancy map. Just get this as an example of how stupid a cartographer can be when it comes to mixing random stuff. And as one of the most stupid essays on how a map can also tell a story.

Because I'm intending to tell a story here to you fellow mappers. So come on in, don't be shy! Welcome to the dark halls of the dwarven Kingdom City of Barkinia!