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Thread: July 2018 Challenge: Part of the Village of Infeld

  1. #21
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
    I saw this, but if it works that well, I don't see any problem with it !
    I love the first colour work and can't wait to see the next steps !
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenia View Post
    As MystyBeee said, no problem with the pavement, we don't notice the pattern at first glance. Very nice linework and colors on the roofs, they just look like... wood
    Thank you both! The colour is actually quite a bright red but just at a low opacity. It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but I quite like it, so I just might keep it as is

  2. #22
    Guild Novice
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    I love the progression. It is fascinating to see how you went from idea sketch to well the stage you're at. Truly inspiring, thank you!

  3. #23
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Thank you for your kind words L.KC, they are much appreciated.

    Loads more colouring done. Roofs nearly finished (it's been a looooong boring job...)
    There may be a little greenery to come, but not much. I think it's probably going to be a dreary muddy little street...

    ### Latest WIP ###

  4. #24
    Guild Expert
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    This looks great Tonquani, really well done so far. I really like the muddled colour scheme and the cobble stones look awesome.

  5. #25
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    This looks great Tonquani, really well done so far. I really like the muddled colour scheme and the cobble stones look awesome.
    Thanks kacey, appreciate the comment. I think I was originally trying for a much brighter more colourful feel, but when I started painting at a low opacity I think I really liked the drab, dirty, muddy feel that I got. It is called “Drunkard’s Side” after all, so I think we are going to end up with a bit of a “Den of Robbers” type of feel, along with the associated “watering holes” and houses of “ill repute”
    Last edited by Tonquani; 07-24-2018 at 06:36 PM.

  6. #26
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    I hope you'll name some of those watering holes and houses of ill repute!

    Did you draw each building by hand or do you make brushes (or objects) from your drawings and then drop them in? I have not mastered drawing a straight line on my Wacom tablet, but I often worry that letting Photoshop create a straight line makes my buildings a tad too squared off.

  7. #27
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeshniedae View Post
    I hope you'll name some of those watering holes and houses of ill repute!
    Haha, you can bet your life I’m going to be naming them. Making up humorous names is part of the fun...

    The building process is quite involved -I’m just on my mobile at the moment with a tiny screen, but I’ll try to put up the procedure tonight for you.
    Last edited by Tonquani; 07-24-2018 at 04:41 PM.

  8. #28
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeshnidae View Post
    Did you draw each building by hand or do you make brushes (or objects) from your drawings and then drop them in? I have not mastered drawing a straight line on my Wacom tablet, but I often worry that letting Photoshop create a straight line makes my buildings a tad too squared off.
    It's a bit of a laborious process, but basically I do pretty much all of my linework by hand i.e. pen and paper. I have a Huion tablet, but no matter how I try I can't get anywhere near the accuracy and consistency with it that I get when drawing by hand. I have found that I tend to use my lightbox quite a lot, but I suppose the lightbox steps could be done on the computer. My workflow process goes something like this.

    i. Decide on and draw the street layout in pencil. Decide where major buildings and open spaces (markets etc.) are, and incorporate them into your pencil street layout.
    ii. Roughly draw the major buildings still in pencil.
    iii. Once you are happy with the layout, ink in the buildings only (all of them), using a pen and ruler. I don't usually do much of the roof detail at this stage as it's hard work (although if you mark in the roof ridges with your ruler the end product will undoubtedly look better).
    iv. Break out your eraser and erase all of the pencil, leaving only the building outlines. Your building outlines at the moment are hard straight ruled lines and 90 degree right angles.
    v. This is where the lightbox comes in. To get a hand-drawn look, trace all of the buildings (and roof ridges if you did them too) onto a new piece of paper, by hand, obviously not using a ruler. The more accurate you can be here, the better the end result will be. This will now become your final line drawing that you will scan in.
    vi. Add any other lines that you want (vegetation, road edges if you want them, etc. then scan in your final line drawing.
    vii. Colour and shade in GIMP or PS (or whatever you normally use).
    I gave up trying to draw decent natural looking but relatively straight lines with either a mouse or a tablet ages ago. Unless you work with those tools all day every day they're just too time-consuming to get a good natural look.

  9. #29
    Guild Adept Tonquani's Avatar
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    So the roofs are finally finished, shading substantially done, smoke added.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Still to do:
    Vegetation (although there probably won't be much of this.
    Text box borders (absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with these)
    Darken overall image and add a few lights to get a really gloomy feel.

    Any criticism / advice / suggestions gratefully accepted.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Tonquani View Post
    It's a bit of a laborious process, but basically I do pretty much all of my linework by hand i.e. pen and paper. I have a Huion tablet, but no matter how I try I can't get anywhere near the accuracy and consistency with it that I get when drawing by hand. I have found that I tend to use my lightbox quite a lot, but I suppose the lightbox steps could be done on the computer. My workflow process goes something like this.
    All of your linework is hand drawn? Much respect. I tried to hand draw my entire project this challenge, but I quickly gave up after about 8 hours

    I especially like the variety of shapes of houses.

    Looking good so far, can't wait to see what else you do in the next few days

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