After looking about for a suitable picture, I found this animatedly fun image.

Some of you may know where this *really* is...but since I'm making up the rest, I'd just as soon not know (so as not to pollute my mind with the actualities).

In any case, I thought I'd better do some measurements to make the eventual map accurate. I measured the height of the handrail on the bridge and assumed it was a little less than five feet. This let me do distances for all of the "middle ground" objects. Then I assumed, based on appearances, that the width of the upper waterfall (although at a slight angle) was probably about the same width as the lower waterfall. The water flow seems about the same to me. So by bootstrapping I was able to get the distances of some of the "back ground" stuff. I think I can also figure out the distance to the rear waterfall.

Lots more to come!

### Latest WIP ###