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Thread: Pandrea [critics & advice welcome]

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  1. #1


    sample 1.png

    Here are some more sample I quickly made tonight. You will notice some errors witht the rivers etc, but it should be fairly easy to avoir them by working more properly. Those pictures are from my "Pandrea mod" for M2TW, working with geomod.
    I have to add that, as this is an application for a video game, the problems are :
    -> you need the game
    -> I have never found out if it is possible to fully unzoom, the second picture showing the maximum unzoom level within the game
    -> you cannot draw elements that would cause the game to crash, for insteance a city in an unreachable place

    However, in case some of you would be interested in a test, and don't own the game, I may explain them how to work with tga files so that I can use them in the game and generate the printscreens. I don't expect anyone to be interested, but one never knows....
    Last edited by Bisol von Sint-Omer; 04-21-2012 at 05:14 PM. -> quite a mess of Pandrea related maps

  2. #2


    Trying to learn gimp, here is a draft that I made. This is related to one of our island (Antinoe). The "relief" has been made using geocontrol 2.

    NB : water texture from
    Last edited by Bisol von Sint-Omer; 04-26-2012 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Mention to texture's author -> quite a mess of Pandrea related maps

  3. #3


    That looks really interesting. However, what is the scale you are working with? The sea foam looks great, but it also gives the impression that this is a small rock outrcrop with lichen growing over the top, as opposed to an island. Still, I think it looks pretty promising though.


  4. #4


    Your are absolutly right This island is quite large (around 150 km long I think), and clearly the sea isn't in right proportions. I just lacked time yesterday to work on the water's texture. I think I will just use 2 textures, one for deep sea, one for coastal sea, and try to get a nice transition between them. Nevertheless, even though the sea texture isn't appropriate, I find it cool

    Here it is :

    And another try using distorsion effects :

    Of course, as I didn't spend much time on it, it isn't very proper yet. However, considering the large scale of the total Pandrea's map, it may be sufficient as the local resolution will drop. Anyway, your comments are more than welcome
    Last edited by Bisol von Sint-Omer; 04-26-2012 at 05:35 AM. Reason: Trial with a new sea -> quite a mess of Pandrea related maps

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