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Thread: Start City - to be named later - Map

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by jtougas View Post
    I'm thinking maybe farmland that gives way to forest.
    Just a reply to bump the thread. I think farmland and forest is the way to go. Maybe with some water close by. Neon, you still in for this?

  2. #22


    Forgive the double post, please.

    In the interest of trying to get this project off the ground (again), I think a regional map (with the above specs) would be a great way to start.

    Our mappers are (as listed in the Adventure Crew thread): Gidde(regional), Jaxilon, DevinNight(interior), Djespek, Geamon (encounter), Ascension, Ramah

    NeonKnight has expressed interest in mapping the general area, but that was several months ago and things might have changed. It would really be great if someone would step up for this first map and hopefully give us something to get our footing.

    Thanks again!


  3. #23


    I did a quick drawplus sketch to give an idea of distances and main features. The roads are marked off in 5 mile sections (approx).
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  4. #24


    That looks great Ravs, but I think we decided in post #8 of this thread to go with something unique for this project rather than re-purposing a previously made map. What about having a go at a new map? A small town and some forest, probably a few days to a week's travel from the capital city. (That is, if you have time since you're busy working on the final dungeon for the Witchlights as well. :-) )


  5. #25


    Ah yes, er... that dungeon is keeping me busy!! (Do you still need it or have the players moved though there?).

    I've just re-read this thread: So adventure takes place in a classic small fantasy city (which Neon will do - if he doesn't have time, I don't mind stepping in). I'll do a regional map then for the distance the caravan has to go.

  6. #26
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    map looks great ravi (with the notes industryG said of course) - but nice style
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  7. #27


    Lol, it was only meant to be a sketch so the people writing the adventure could have something concrete to look at. Do you want me to do the regional map proper?

  8. #28
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    your sketches are other peoples hard work ... feel free to throw a region together
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  9. #29

  10. #30


    Here's another quick sketch - I've tried to keep it as editable as possible as there are almost certainly going to be a lot of amendments as we work through this. Everything is mutable, I'm precious about nothing, so don't hesitate to sing out about anything that looks weird or needs changing etc etc.
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