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Thread: A sneak peak at my current project! Yeehaw, cowboy.

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    Default A sneak peak at my current project! Yeehaw, cowboy.

    So I've started my next big project for RPGNow, and this one might kill me before it is finished. Basically, I am mapping a full wild-west town. In 100dpi, encounter-map style. This bad boy is going to be huge-- 2x poster size, all together with, last count, 18 buildings in a classic cowboy "main street" road. I may end up dying due to stress... and actually, I kinda regret not having fit/included more buildings: I am running out of space for all the classic cowboy locations! Let me think--Saloon, stables, hotel, apartments, general store, gunsmith, church, town hall with clock tower, jail, undertaker's, brothel, mayor's house... and a little room for a couple more. I am racking my brain for all the other classic locations. If anyone can think of more, let me know.

    The idea is that this is geared for VTT players to be able to wander around in and use as a "home base" for a western campaign. I guess it could work for things like Deadlands or Weird West. I dunno. There just isn't a lot of western-themed stuff out there so I thought I'd fill the gap.

    Here is a super quick render of the view of the town from the entrance. Apart from lots of missing textures (which makes it look like winter or something), it looks ripe for a showdown at high noon, no? My only problem so far is that I can't think of a way to have awnings/overhangs that wouldn't cause problems with the overhead view.
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