Thanks again for the maps. We're pretty much done with the game and the players (and myself) really enjoyed the elaborate maps you've drawn.
I hope a lot of people will find and use these.
You've done a good job there. I'm looking forward to the map of the tower especially.
Thanks again for the maps. We're pretty much done with the game and the players (and myself) really enjoyed the elaborate maps you've drawn.
I hope a lot of people will find and use these.
Thank you so much! I'm just starting to DM this adventure and this saved me a bunch of time. My players getting impatient waiting for me to get MapTool setup for our next session. This gave me the jump start I needed. You rock.
Hey, sorry I haven't had a chance to do the tower yet. I've got another week left on this job, and getting my own game up and running again (along with the necessary maps) is at the top of the list of things to do once I recover.
Thanks for all the thank yous, and I'm sorry to everyone who had to scramble to finish off the adventure on their own.
Last edited by Nytmare; 06-06-2009 at 05:37 AM. Reason: I keep forgetting how to speak English
Thanks for the great maps so far! Will you be making the maps of the outside area for encounters 1 and 2? I use MapTools to play and I can scan portions of the map, but I do not know how to stitch them together in GIMP and came here to see if someone had already done this.
They're kinda sloppy and thrown together; but my players couldn't figure out which way they were planning on breaking in and exploring, so I had to have them all done at once.
Starting from the top and heading down:
Last edited by Nytmare; 06-26-2009 at 01:47 PM.
The lower half of the tower:
In the end they tried coming up from the catacombs, got beat up, captured, and dragged up to the 7th level, and then split up with one group heading down the tower, and one heading up.
The best laid plans...
Extending my thanks to you Nytmare; I'm about to run this campaign, and came online looking for this exact thing. Internet collaboration for the win
Thanks again, and for making the experience all the better for my players!
I cannot extend my thanks enough Nytmare, absolutely superb work!