Thanks for the tutorial, I've been browsing this site for a while getting ideas and guides and thought I'd offer a little GIMP script back to the community. I pretty much automated most of the creation of the old weathered paper process. You'll have to add in any additional grunge touches to the blots layer that suites your map, but this script should take most of the grunt work out of the process. Now you just have to draw your map, go to Filters->Decor->Old Paper... then just add your grunge to the blots layer.
Enjoy ![Smile](images/cartographer/smilies/smile.gif)
(copy the code and save as old-paper.scm in your gimp script directory)
;;; This GIMP script adds an old paper effect to the image.
;;; It is based off of the tutorial by RobA at
;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Hogan <>
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;; Copy this script to your ~/.gimp-2.6/scripts directory as old-paper.scm
;; restart gimp or click Filters->Script-Fu->Refresh Scripts
;; load/create an image
;; click Filters->Decor->Old Paper... to start the script
;; Add your own custom grunge touch-ups to the Blots layer (kinda hard to automate this
;; as the script doesn't know what grungy looks would look good on your image) Duplicate
;; Blots layer to make it look darker
;; Play with different layer modes on your image to find what looks good, Burn, Multiply,
;; Overlay, Darken-Only and Grain-Merge modes typically are the ones that would look good
;; Make sure to Merge the layers before adding anything under the map layers or the map image
;; will be overlayed ontop of those layers underneath as well around the distressed areas
;; Enjoy your brand new^H^H^H old paper/parchment look
;; Feel free to let me know of any improvements/modifications you'd like and that you did
(define (script-fu-old-paper theImage inLayer inAddBlots inDistress inSaveDistress inDistressAmount inBorderSize inPaperColor inMergeLayers inDropShadow)
(theNewWidth (+ (car (gimp-drawable-width inLayer)) (* 2 inBorderSize)))
(theNewHeight (+ (car (gimp-drawable-height inLayer)) (* 2 inBorderSize)))
(theFuzzLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theNewWidth theNewHeight RGBA-IMAGE "Old-Paper-Fuzz" 20 MULTIPLY-MODE)))
(theBlotLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theNewWidth theNewHeight RGBA-IMAGE "Old-Paper-Blots" 100 OVERLAY-MODE)))
(theTextureLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theNewWidth theNewHeight RGBA-IMAGE "Old-Paper-Texture" 100 OVERLAY-MODE)))
(thePaperLayer (car (gimp-layer-new theImage theNewWidth theNewHeight RGBA-IMAGE "Old-Paper-Paper" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
(theSelection 0)
(thePaperSelection 0)
(theBrush 0)
;init (save state/selections/undo)
(gimp-image-undo-group-start theImage)
(set! theSelection (car (gimp-selection-save theImage)))
(gimp-selection-none theImage)
(if (= inDistress FALSE) ; no need to resize if we aren't distressing the border
(gimp-image-resize theImage theNewWidth theNewHeight inBorderSize inBorderSize)
;add the layers
(gimp-image-add-layer theImage theFuzzLayer -1)
(if (= inAddBlots TRUE)
(gimp-image-add-layer theImage theBlotLayer 2)
(gimp-image-add-layer theImage theTextureLayer 3)
(gimp-image-add-layer theImage thePaperLayer 4)
(gimp-layer-set-mode inLayer GRAIN-MERGE-MODE)
(gimp-selection-all theImage)
(gimp-selection-shrink theImage inBorderSize)
(if (= inDistress TRUE)
(script-fu-distress-selection theImage inLayer 197 8 4 2 TRUE TRUE)
(if (= inSaveDistress TRUE)
(set! thePaperSelection (car (gimp-selection-save theImage)))
(gimp-drawable-set-name thePaperSelection "Old Paper Selection")
(gimp-context-set-foreground inPaperColor)
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill thePaperLayer FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE 100 255 FALSE 0 0)
(plug-in-plasma RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theTextureLayer (srand (realtime)) 2.5)
(gimp-desaturate theTextureLayer)
(plug-in-bump-map RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theTextureLayer theTextureLayer 135 45 5 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE LINEAR)
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0))
(set! theBrush (car (gimp-brush-new "old-paper border")))
(gimp-brush-set-radius theBrush (/ inBorderSize 2))
(gimp-brush-set-shape theBrush BRUSH-GENERATED-CIRCLE)
(gimp-brush-set-hardness theBrush 1)
(gimp-context-set-brush theBrush)
(if (= inAddBlots TRUE)
(gimp-edit-stroke theBlotLayer)
(plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theBlotLayer inBorderSize TRUE TRUE)
(set! theBlotLayer -1)
(plug-in-plasma RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theFuzzLayer (srand (realtime)) 2.5)
(gimp-desaturate theFuzzLayer)
(gimp-brush-set-hardness theBrush 0)
(gimp-context-set-opacity 60)
(gimp-edit-stroke theFuzzLayer)
(if (= inDropShadow TRUE)
(script-fu-drop-shadow theImage thePaperLayer 8 8 15 '(0 0 0) 80 TRUE)
(if (= inMergeLayers TRUE)
(theLayerName 0)
(set! theLayerName (car (gimp-drawable-get-name inLayer)))
(set! inLayer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers theImage EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY)))
(gimp-drawable-set-name inLayer theLayerName)
;cleanup (restore state/selection/undo/flush display)
(gimp-brush-delete theBrush)
(gimp-selection-load theSelection)
(gimp-image-remove-channel theImage theSelection)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end theImage)
;return the image and the layers incase any other scripts want to use them too
;if merging layers, the fuzz/blot/texture/paper layers are now gone
;theBlotLayer will be -1 if it is turned off
(list theImage inLayer theFuzzLayer theBlotLayer theTextureLayer thePaperLayer)
"<Image>/Filters/Decor/Old Paper..."
"Creates an old paper effect"
"Mike Hogan"
"Copyright 2010, Mike Hogan"
"August 26, 2010"
SF-IMAGE "image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "drawable" 0
SF-TOGGLE "Add Blot/Grunge Layer" TRUE
SF-TOGGLE "Distress Paper Edge" TRUE
SF-TOGGLE "Save Distression to Channel" TRUE
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Distress Amount" '(127 1 255 1 10 0 0)
SF-ADJUSTMENT "Distress/Border size" '(40 1 1000 1 10 0 1)
SF-COLOR "Paper Colour" '(208 193 162)
SF-TOGGLE "Merge Visible Layers" FALSE
SF-TOGGLE "Drop Shadow" TRUE
This GIMP plugin can also be found at the gimp plugin repository