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Thread: Hexingtide [WIP]

  1. #21


    Aside from the gorgeous terrain, fantastic color (orange!) for the labels, and the overall amazing'ness of this map, I gotta say I love how some of the "paint spatters" in the ocean look vaguely like sea-creatures. Doesn't look deliberate, but just glancing at some of them I see sea-creatures ^.^ I really like the combination of antique-style border with the more realistic style map and modern-style typography (and those colors!) Great job.

    - Alizarine
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    "Shoot them?"
    "Sir, I think there's a problem with your brain being missing ... at last, we can all retire to a life of luxury!"

  2. #22


    Thanks for the compliments, guys.

    On my latest update, I've added in more legible latitude and longitude numbers (without removing the old ones from the border - that's just gonna have to wait, hahaha), done some more texture work (I think the major mountains are looking okay, but the basin and range region in the north central needs some work), and added in the peaks and sites icons along with trying out the road styling.

    Still so far to go!
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  3. #23
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I have two thoughts. The folds might be too much. I guess you could use them as a grayscale for a displacement to tweak the borders and that might give it some depth cuz the borders don't curve to fit the folds. Minor thing, shrug. For the rest of it I think it might be too textured. The flatlands and plains and deserts might need to be flat and boring with just color swirls (or maybe some dunes or low hills) but no heavy texture. Break up all of those bumps with some flat spaces, shrug. The colors are super sweet and the light gradient on the text is fab. You've got a real knockout brewing here.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
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  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    I have two thoughts. The folds might be too much. I guess you could use them as a grayscale for a displacement to tweak the borders and that might give it some depth cuz the borders don't curve to fit the folds. Minor thing, shrug.
    I like the effects of the folds quite abit, so they'll be staying. However, I totally agree with your thoughts in how they interact with the border. The whole border needs some tidying up. Distortions into the folds is a great idea for realism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    For the rest of it I think it might be too textured. The flatlands and plains and deserts might need to be flat and boring with just color swirls (or maybe some dunes or low hills) but no heavy texture. Break up all of those bumps with some flat spaces, shrug.
    I agree totally! From a distance, the texture isn't bad at all, but when you zoom in, most of it just gets too distracting. I'll be fixing that when I update the basin & range region.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    The colors are super sweet and the light gradient on the text is fab. You've got a real knockout brewing here.

  5. #25
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    I only just now have read this thread..with all the things going on here, my own real life busy-ness and projects I know there are tons of apples flying off the cart that I don't even get to look at. It's depressing but there are many days where I just have to tear myself away from my pc and go take care of business because it's up to me to keep the ship of my life afloat. The fact is, all I really want to do is stay home dream dreams and make art. Curse the world!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    That's why I don't even try to make my own personal world. Instead I make lots of little worldlets so that I don't become too wrapped up in it and if I don't like it then I make a new one. That's why I make a new map every two to three weeks and post it up. Personal worlds are too...personal The personal world that I have in my head will forever remain there for if I let it out it will no longer retain it's special importance...sort of like virginity, I guess you could say. With new cartographers whipping out sexy new eye candy every few days my special world will quickly fade and eyes will wander. And once that's gone then nothing will inspire me so much and things begin to lose meaning and beauty and it becomes humdrum and average.

    Now if only I could write as easily as I can philosophize things would be much easier
    So that's why I can't bring myself to work on my personal world map? I am on the same path as you Ascension. I sort of started something but I can't seem to get back around to it because I can never seem to do it justice. I see myself most likely having all the locations and dungeons done but still no world map. Seems ridiculous but I think you hit the nail on the head.

    This is a very good looking map by the way and I love the orange lettering.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

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  6. #26


    So, ignore the river violations on this one - just updated the texture and coloring, then pasted that into my rrivers file, and then pasted both of that into my labels file. Things are kind of off as a result.
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  7. #27
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    I didn't think awesome could get any more awesome, but I was wrong. Damn. I love this map.

  8. #28
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    I love what you've done with the colors.

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    So finally got around to reading this thread - always a bit dauting when the thread is long allready, but since I needed a distraction from studying I thought this would be fitting - and I'm glad I did read it - really beautiful map - lots of good details, which all have been mentioned above
    Have some rep with my almost new mace of nice repping +3
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