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Thread: Pic206 - Region 09 Overscan

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  1. #1

    Map Pic206 - Region 09 Overscan

    I seriously put too much time into this.
    I just meant to do a lil bookmark and it sort of got out of control.
    So, now there are two map versions and 10 bookmarks.

    I actually started the map with the intention to cut it into 5 bookmarks.
    Then as it progressed, I realized I wanted to make a real map out of it.
    The name is a funny twist that Chashio suggested.
    The scan was pic206 and I had no name yet for this region, as I normally do.
    She thought pic206 sounded like some alien species doing a fly-over just recording world data on some off-world survey.
    So I went with the name under the thought that this was just a snapshot form a global survey probe...
    one with nice hand rendering techniques. Cus.. aliens can do all sorts of cool stuff, right?

    I was initially happy with this.. then not so much.. then back again. I'm like that.
    I did the monochrome version as that was my original intent, but after having done the color version.
    Anyways... here's the pencil drawing, then the color version and its bookmarks, and then the monochrome and its bookmarks.


    pic206 - Region 09 Overscan by sirinkman.jpg

    Pic206--01.jpg > Pic206--02.jpg > Pic206--03.jpg > Pic206--04.jpg > Pic206--05.jpg

    pic206 - Region 09 OverscanALT by sirinkman.jpg

    Pic206--01.jpg > Pic206--02.jpg > Pic206--03.jpg > Pic206--04.jpg > Pic206--05.jpg

    [wipes sweat from brow] ok. done. Enjoy
    Last edited by J.Edward; 04-22-2017 at 11:43 AM.

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