Some of the solutions offered above are rather fascinating, and I can see myself playing with them in FM8 under circumstances. (Those who wish to point a shotgun in my direction may do so. My real name is Clark Kent. I'm not worried.) However, for what you're trying to do, these solutions all seem to me to be cases of a long way to Tipperary. They also are blanket solutions which could cause problems when you don't want a solution that applies to everything. The much easier solution, I think, is simply to copy the original symbols and make the opaque areas in them transparent. Showing you how to do that, of course, poses a bit of a problem here an the forum. The symbols in question are copyrighted, licensed symbols. You and I both have a license to use them, but we have no license to post those symbols here. In fact, doing so would be totally illegal according to specific terms of our licenses. Therefore, I'd prefer to do it legally and show you how by private E-Mail, where it's unnecessary to post a sample symbol because you already have it legally. This process is as easy as 1-2-3 and can be done in a few minutes time, so even if you no longer need the solution, keep it in case it comes up in the future. I'll pass it on soon.