I'm really proud to be member of this GuildIs a mine of knowledge
Yup that is half of the same way I do it. There is another part tho which is where you flatten the image so as to prevent the repeating pattern effect even when its seamless around the edges. Ill edit in the thread...
This is my similar styled tut with a script for doing that 7 min job in about 10 seconds
and then there is Robs thread...
Last edited by Redrobes; 05-17-2011 at 07:21 PM.
I'm really proud to be member of this GuildIs a mine of knowledge
Well I think I can speak for the masses when I say that were getting a kick out of your work too. That tower is great.
You're on the right way. Looks very good.
Tower's looking pretty good. Are you aware of Specular and Normal mapping?
Also, you do want to have some type of overlay texture to break up the even color tone from top to bottom (the stone), breaking up the bottom edge where the building is "grounded" by using a mud splatter or moss overlay would be a good idea.
I'd recommend that the vertical stone be slightly darker than the horizontal (such as the steps) to allow the steps silhouettes to 'pop', and to show that the steps are worn by use.
Hard Edges are where textures break down, so you can also "lighten" over the hard edges (use your UV maps as guides) in order to simulate a "worn" look (basically we are faking a specular highlight off of a curved edge, instead of a hard sharp edge). Use a layer on 20-40% and paint in white on the edges, then adjust to taste (blending layers can get fun).
The wall stone in the quoted image also seems to have a Gamma problem when compared to the wood of the door (as a some-one new to 3d, you may not be aware of Gamma issues). Gamma takes a while to explain, but no time at all to understand if you're looking at the same image vs a copy which has been Gamma corrected. Gamma problems manifest as a "gray tone", like a grey layer @ 20% transparency over your texture when compared to textures in the "correct" gamma space. (Compare say, the upper stone to the lower stone in your first post, or the stone to the wood door as I said.)
If you post your stone texture, I can gamma correct it in no time. You'll appreciate the difference.
Thanks Telarus for your words and informations. I'm begginer with texturing with uv maps and never used spectacular maps here is stone texture with UV maded by myself, but i don't have really good software for imac to make uv maps also don't know how to make spectacular maps.
BrickOldSharp0141_3_M.jpg i don't know why i can't upload secont file with uv maps so for now only stone texture if you can improve it, it will be very great
Cool, I'll see what I can do. Can you post an image of just your UV map (on a black background) So I can get an idea of how it's laid out?
Cool, that was good practice for me.
Ok, here's what I've done (in order). 1) Gamma corrected.
2) Gamma + Colored corrected.
3) Item 2 + Cleaned up your tiling edges (seamless now with less hotspots, the white lichen, to give away that it's a tiling texture).
4) Comparison original gamma/color vs new.
These are 512x512 (you had an odd image size).
Here's a link in the attachments on this post to the final seamless texture @ 1024x1024 in case you need that detail.
Last edited by Telarus; 05-25-2011 at 08:41 PM.
Holly Cow.... i'v messed my project, i was working with uv textures and making some new meshes and my software hangup :/ Now I can't open source file so i have to start everything from begining. Telarus do you know any software for mac/pc to make normal textures? But not nvidia plugin for photoshop
You can try Genetica...
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
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