In most cases photographing artwork from a copyrighted work amounts to infringement of the copyright in that work. You can infringe someone else's work but in some cases you can claim copyright as against other people who infringe your right, provided you have sufficeint originality in your infringing copy. (Weird I know)
Also most countries that I'm aware of allow for copyright protection of compilations or databases, provided sufficient originality goes into the choice of items or the way in which they are ordered indexed or laid out. If you make such a compilation that doesn't mean you are not infringing the copyright of the creators of the things that go into the compilation, but it also does not mean you cant enforce copyright against infringers of your work provided, once again, there is sufficient originality to make the work capable of copyright. This coincides with what Waldronate is saying.
Neon, if you tweak the world sufficiently you have copyright. This does not mean you deprive the writers of the software of their copyright. Profantasy or FT or Wilbur still has copyright in the original generated image (if the output from those programs is computer genertaed rather than computer assisted), which you are allowed to use because they license you to do so.