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Thread: [region 1][map 2 & 3] Chedalbur

  1. #21


    Thinking maybe to combine the two thread and retitling this thread to [region 1][map 2 & 3] Chedalbur (Che-dal-bur) as the kingdom will easily span two maps at this latitude. Then the maps for area 3 can be placed here too. Alucard and myself have come with an idea at the beginning, and I still going with the original idea with a few changes.

    Redrobes, I need some info about the very northern piece of your map, so I can work it into the background history of the Chedalbur kingdom.

    PS: What resolution should the maps be?
    Last edited by DarkOne; 10-02-2008 at 03:06 PM.

  2. #22
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Files above for tile sector 3

    My tile 7 is called the lands of Thrubmorten and are harsh and tough region where there are no big cities or luxuries unless bought from passing merchants. Its a trading region where the towns are providing safe lodging for caravans and travelers who pass through. The lower ground is marshy swamplands which are infested with lizard men and men have taken to the uplands where its cold and the soil is poor. There are some big roads passing throughout the region which are maintained and protected by soldiers and some cavalry. The towns are usually set with a palisade of wood though it seems Fenridge - one of the bigger castles is currently sporting a fine stone outer wall. The buildings are log or stone with mainly thatch or timber roofs. To the south are more open grasslands but these are the dominion of Centaur which also dislike the lizard men. There are few other races in the region - just a few halfling in a small town and those who travel as adventurers. The towns are compact and theres not too much in the way of buildings between the towns which are about two days distance by mule trot.

    Going north there is the large lake which in the fen lands is dangerous. On the west side there is a route north and one on the far right which is a main passage to your area from mine.

    Theres a 3D map of the whole region with a free viewer so you can see what it looks like in the Fentor Cross thread. Only a few areas have been mapped but within those its got a bit more detail than most. Best to look at the index for map threads and wiki for more info or ask for anything else specific.

  3. #23


    Thanx for the info Redrobes and for the areas maps. They are a great help.

    I was correct that there is a mountain range on the eastern side of area 3.

    I going to join area 2 and 3 together to form one map for easier editing.

    Arcana, can you rename this thread to [region 1][map 2 & 3] Chedalbur and either merge or delete the other thread called [region 1][map 3] as it is no longer needed.

  4. #24

  5. #25


    RobA, thanx for the merge and rename.

    Well after a weekend of great fun, I got some time to work on the maps.

    Redrobes, I just noticed that the maps you supplied for me have different height scales for area 2 and area 3. Is it possible to remove the above maps (1024x1024) and replace them with maps (2048x1024) containing both areas.

  6. #26
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Ok I have redone them with a script which is the same for both. I.e. they ought to line up and match in values. You may need a browser refresh - ctrl F5.

  7. #27


    Thanx Redrobes, now I can clearly see where the hills and mountains are. Appreciate this very much.

  8. #28


    NeonKnight, do you have the climate, temperature maps for area 3 as you provided for area 2 in post #2?

  9. #29


    After glueing the height and light maps of area 2 & 3 together to form single maps of the kingdom, I can clearly see the mountain ranges, iced caps and glaciers, lakes, etc. The kingdom of Chedalbur will have large glaciers, snow and ice, which would provide large amount of water to flow towards the see every spring and summer. This water has to get to the sea to the west, so is it possible I make a huge river that flows through maps 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 in addition to my map 2+3. See attached map.

    I am create a kingdom which is controlled by a reptile type creature that evolved out of cold swamps, lakes and marshes of the region (map 2 and 3). They love their swamp and cold mountainous terrain.

    Redrobes is it possible to steal piece of land north of the swamp into the kingdom I am creating, else I just I can draw the boundary through the hills just north of Mullion. Please advice.

    Clercon can I do a land grab north of the wetland and wetlands in the NW corner of your map for the kingdom.

    Alucard we need to rip a rive through the Still Lake connecting the sea and the great lake in area 2.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #30
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I don't mind what you want to map but it should keep with what already has been mapped or detailed in any text so far. You can put the boundary through the death chaser swamp if you like. The roads and town names should exist tho as there has been text written about them.

    The most northerly area which I have mapped a bit is in that region under this thread.

    if you want to expand on then then go ahead.

    Death chaser fen is a dangerous lizard man infested swampy area where the water is rising ever so slowly and the old road through the old Mere fort is now impassable so a new Mere fort has been established with a road to Mullion.

    So as long as that is in place and the area does not become peaceful sylvan elf lands then you can annex that area.

    Nobody has done much on the other side near to Roebuck Castle either. There were some plans to detail some ideas about an underground river connection which passed underneath Roeborder ridge and allowed the water to escape to the sea. We had some interesting ideas about a cave system down there with adventuring possibilities of protecting boats as they pass through the caves and lock system there.

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