Hey RR, been gone awhile ain't I, right now I am computerless, though I have bought a new one for the kids for christmas, have it all loaded with the apps they need, and I am just waiting to push it under the tree. They got a dual core computer, printer, video camera, digital camera, a wacom is on its way, and a desk to put it on,,,,plus tons of toys.
I have all our work on disk, here somewhere, and will look through to see if I can find the later images. Then I will pop out and see if I can upload it.
In January I am going to splurge for a new system, for myself, as all my paychecks the last 3 months have gone to christmas exuberance,,,,5 kids and over 30 nieces and nephews, and even great nieces and nephews ( and I am only in my 40's) really eats up the cash.
Its well below zero Fahrenheit today, so I may have time to find it today, I don't go out when the wind is whipping on cold days, I don't want to be a GRISLY statistic.