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Thread: The Society for Exploration and Adventure of Maracasar - Guild house

  1. #21
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default so far so good

    Gildenhaus Ground Floor(Backup).jpg
    Gildenhaus 1st Floor (Backup).jpg
    Gildenhaus 2nd Floor (Backup).jpg

    i would say the basic is done, what i need now is a nice frame, ups and just see that I forgot to make the left tower smaller on 1st and 2nd floor ... damn

  2. #22


    Oh yes! Well I didn't notice it either, but since you've pointed it out I can't stop looking at it now! LOL!

    I have a suggestion for the blurring effect.

    Instead of using one sheet on the first floor and two sheets on the second floor, how about using one sheet that is in all three stories of the building, but having no blur on the ground floor, a small blur on the first floor, and a slightly bigger blur on the second floor.

    Its different for cliffs being shown all in one file like I explained before, because that's all in one map. You have three separate maps here, so there's no need to have more than one blur sheet - just more blur on the same sheet in the second floor.

    I would also consider using a transparency effect before the blur effect on the blur sheet so that the colour is less affected by the actual colour of the polygon on the blur sheet.

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