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Thread: Population and location

  1. #21
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post

    I just don't know what term should be used at all because they are all just people to me, but to avoid an oversight like the one I described where I used an out of date term and was ticked off for it (because I'm sure 'black' was ok 10 years ago now), I should perhaps show enough respect for other people's sensitivities to learn what they currently like to be called
    Well... I am sorry, I started using that word before you mouse. However it does raise an interesting point. How one refers to the other one and how the term used to do so can be perceived through time and through different people. I would definitely see elves using polite words which for a human would be adequate to be called so, but amongst elves would have a negative conotation.
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  2. #22
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elterio Delgard View Post
    If racism is hatred of another human ethnic group...
    Bigotry may be a better word, there. Racism has a number of slippery meanings. Using one of the broader ones I could be called a racist- since I do believe that there are (statistically speaking) real differences in some traits and gene frequencies between human races- despite the fact that I am not a bigot and am actually angered by bigotry. But in common American parlance you are correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elterio Delgard View Post
    ...would it be proper to use it when its between two races such as human and goblins for example?
    Given that I would call them the same species if they can interbreed, "racism" seems like the proper term. Surely, if elves and orcs actually existed I think that the same term would be used, since "subspeciesism" is a bit cumbersome. And from a meta perspective the word "racism" is emotionally charged enough to get the point across that the beings you are talking about are actually fellow sophonts who love their children, too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Elterio Delgard View Post
    Surely racism would be different and maybe in need of another term. Can a man who has a racist mentality treat with the same disrespect another human and a goblin?
    They could, or could not. Certainly there are American bigots who would say that "Asians are tolerable, but the blacks are total animals." One need not be equally bigoted toward every other ethnic group. The extreme "we hate everybody" white-power groups are actually the radical fringe of American bigotry. Most of it is much more subtle, though not less damaging for it. One sees the white-power nutjobs in the media more often because such stories are more sensationalist, so they sell eyeballs. It's all about the money; the American media sucks.
    Last edited by acrosome; 01-04-2018 at 02:48 PM.

  3. #23


    Oh don't worry, Elterio. I was fully aware of the turmoil I was about to enter when I started commenting here.

    The trouble with the very word 'racism' is that it does tend to get everyone's feathers in a twist before you even start to discuss it

  4. #24
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acrosome View Post
    Given that I would call them the same species if they can interbreed, "racism" seems like the proper term. Surely, if elves and orcs actually existed I think that the same term would be used, since "subspeciesism" is a bit cumbersome. And from a meta perspective the word "racism" is emotionally charged enough to get the point across that the beings you are talking about are actually fellow sophonts who love their children, too...
    errr... subspeciesism seems a little heavy in a novel, yeah racism is better. Keep it simple. Still! All that talk made us think further than human to human racism which is quite interesting given many of us do maps for either novels or D&D campaings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh don't worry, Elterio. I was fully aware of the turmoil I was about to enter when I started commenting here.

    The trouble with the very word 'racism' is that it does tend to get everyone's feathers in a twist before you even start to discuss it
    What do YOU know about feathers! You are a MOUSE! Hahaha Sorry but I just had to, your pet-avatar is so cute.
    Last edited by Elterio Delgard; 01-04-2018 at 03:14 PM.
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  5. #25


    Why bother giving it a label?

    Why not just build all the biased and bigoted behaviours into your individual characters and let these individual aspects of theirs show through in their words and actions as they interact with each other in the story.

    It will soon become obvious to most readers what kind of 'isms are in play. Leave the task of naming the 'isms to the reader.

  6. #26
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Why bother giving it a label?

    Why not just build all the biased and bigoted behaviours into your individual characters and let these individual aspects of theirs show through in their words and actions as they interact with each other in the story.

    It will soon become obvious to most readers what kind of 'isms are in play. Leave the task of naming the 'isms to the reader.
    ... I... That is quite logical mouse o.O Never thought of that... And besides, readers don't enjoy books that take them for idiots. Readers are smarter than us readers think.
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  7. #27


    Even if doing it that way ends up with your fans arguing among themselves about why the hero did this or that, and begging you to explain, the simple fact that this is happening means that your story is a good read

    Where did the feathers come from?

    That's what one Zoraani (my were-hawk people) will say to another when he or she is getting a bit irritated.

    "All right, All right, no need to get your feathers in a twist!"

    And thanks for the avatar comment. I sometimes think it would be even more cute if I could animate the nose and whiskers just a tiny bit, but I'm not gifted enough to be able to do it without ruining the original image
    Last edited by Mouse; 01-04-2018 at 03:33 PM.

  8. #28
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    I would almost guarantee that if you google "mouse nose twitch" that thousands of animated hits would turn up.

    Just sayin.

    EDIT-- Or maybe not. (I just tried. Fail.)
    Last edited by acrosome; 01-04-2018 at 03:57 PM.

  9. #29



    Even if I could do it, I would only want to go further and make her blink occasionally, or flick an ear every now and then.

    Never mind, she's good enough as she is

  10. #30
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post

    Even if I could do it, I would only want to go further and make her blink occasionally, or flick an ear every now and then.

    Never mind, she's good enough as she is

    Twitching nose... Is this the result of such a discussion? LOL!!!!!
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