@Ilanthar, Meshon and Warlin I agree with your comments about the forest. I wanted to add that inner inline to see if it adds some dimension to the forest, it doesn't but I think I could make it do in the future. I agree for the coast but for this map I will just have the lighter outline I made, I think lines in the water wouldn't look so nice with this style now.

Thank you for the mountain comments I am really pleased with them, they turned out exactly as I hoped

@snodsy I wanted the river to be a bit too big since I like it that way on colorful maps. And the base of mountains forest I agree in principle but usually in regional maps I also noticed that any major element regardless of other major elements tends to have light/shade effecting it in the same way. Overall composition being more important for the eye than minor realistic correctness..I hope i expressed myself good enough to be understood

Thank you all for good suggestions and advice, much appreciated!
