After starting on the 2nd floor I went back to look at the 1st for some dimensions and realized I had made a pretty significant error. I have an entire set of rooms on the 2nd floor being supported by nothing but an inaccessible, walled-in space on the 1st floor. So, I went back to the 1st floor and added a stable/carriage house with a small fungal farm to support the 2nd floor rooms (thanks to Neyjour for all of the rad fungi images ). I ended up shading this area pretty darkly since it is outside, not lit, and is also an interior space. Let me know what you think on the new part and if it comes across as a stable/carriage house at all lol.
Minor update to the design of the map. Because I had to build this new section, I noticed that the plain black lines demarcating what areas where inaccessible on the first floor looked very much out of place against the rest of the fairly realistic design. I used the same walls from the fireplace and some curved stone walls (both from Sockydm on Deviantart) to close off those areas. I darkened the stone walls quite a bit because I didn't want them to distract from the rest of the floor-plan, but still give a hard line of where the "outside" and "inside" began. Since these areas are inaccessible I figured the darkness helped to blend the walls in with the surrounding areas and separate them from the main structure.
I am now done with the 1st floor, except for indoor shading (which I may not do if I import this map into Roll20...still not sure).
Thanks for looking and any comments or critiques are welcome.
*Current List of Attributions*
- Bogie: all items not specified as contributed by others (includes: chairs, tables, couches, benches, plates, utensils, stove, hand baskets, crates, barrels, jars, jugs, teapots, chests, cups, trays, plates, coins, rugs, doors, the foot-boards below the doors, books, bookshelves, lanterns, statues, stage, preset workshop table), the carpet pattern and the cool grey & black diamond tiles
- Neyjour: all of the vases (except the one to the direct north of the double door), the mushrooms and fungi (from Deep Woods and Fantasy Fungi), the awesome grey tiles (a mod on Bogie's tiles) in the kitchen/storage area, trinkets and powder containers, and the shovels
- Tiana: woven baskets
- Lokistics: "tavern wall" set for stable/carriage house walls
- Sockydm: the stone texture/wall pieces used for the fireplace, tower, and cellar walls
- Ftourini: the blank paper texture/sheet of paper image (used for the background texture and separately throughout the house), the wood texture for the front deck steps
- DM142 (Devianart): a few bookshelves
- Borysses: wood patterns
- Ransie: wood patterns
- J Owen: wood pattern
- PB/Probono: candles, scrolls, and books
- Dundjinni Forums / Bogie's Cartographer's Guild thread for Mapping Elements: cabinets and a few bookshelves
- Edwin Pijpe (on some old book stock photos that were turned into png format
- Smithsonian Open Access Images: old newspaper images turned into png format
- RPG Mapshare: the rug on the top of the staircase, a few of the tables, the waste baskets, the couch/sofa in the dining room, a few of the books, the blank scrolls, the golden goblets, the wall tapestries, the glass and gold container in the lab, the potions, and whoever made this ( which served as a starting point for the wooden walls which were based on a set of free "Tavern" walls from Lokistics over on deviantart.