Can I just thankyou, I've been searching the web for days to try and find something like this and the results garnered by just a few minutes working on your technique has improved my mountains ten fold![]()
Can I just thankyou, I've been searching the web for days to try and find something like this and the results garnered by just a few minutes working on your technique has improved my mountains ten fold![]()
Nice mountains! They look similar to what I myself came up with (although your maps have more detail than mine)
Very nice!
Hi, All.
I wanted to let everyone know that I have taken ironmetal250's wonderful "Hand drawn mtns. and other stylistic map elements for use in PS/GIMP" and created a PDF tutorial out of it.
It is available in the Photoshop Tutorials section of the Tutorials in PDF Format thread located in the "Tutorials/How To" forum.
In the end you will see, you is you and me is me.
© May 29, 1980
Hi! I can see that this thread haven't been used in a while, but reading it helped me out a bit in my own work - but I seem to have a problem!
When making brushes the larger mountains and objects are ok and look pretty good, but the smaller I make them (in scale with the other objects) the more Photoshop creates flow jitter. I can't seem to turn that off?
Here are some of my mountains, these are the larger ones; as you can see there's some "grass" below the third upper mountain and making a brush with that creates this jitter effect. I didn't want to create too large brushes and made them something like 200 x 200 pixels for the largest one and then scaled them down from that one largest object.
I would like to know how you make your (all of you) brushes and what size you make them. What size is reasonable for a usual run-of-the-mill map?
Kind regards
Thanks for the tute! very nice!
Awesome. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for this tutorial. At this point I want to focus on developing my hand drawn and appreciate your step-by-step explanation.
I used to use Photoshop, but now am having to adjust to GIMP. It's a struggle because of the muscle memory for all the shortcuts.