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Thread: Nov 2016 Challenge: Bogie's Randomly Rolled Dungeon

  1. #21
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh I think that is much better than the paler dice.

    Now you have surpassed yourself
    Thanks, I wasn't sure I was going to like it at first, but now I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    It's looking great!
    Thanks CP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
    Creepy and awesome!
    Thanks, I seem to be doing a lot of Creepy maps lately.

  2. #22
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    After sitting on this for a while I saw a few minor details I wanted to change, plus I wanted to post the full room key with the final map.
    Final version.

    The Lich Brothers Sanctum
    Many long years ago there were twin brothers who were born gifted in the art of spellcraft. Prydwyn chose the path of Necromancy and rose quickly to the rank of arch-mage, while Delwyn's path was that of a priest of Myrkul and he became an arch-bishop of that evil god. As age took its toll on the brothers they chose to cheat death by becoming Liches. After creating their hidden santum, Delwyn and Prydwyn performed the horrid rituals that turned them into the undead. Centuries have passed and now they await their guests.

    Room Descriptions:
    1: Entry Room; the only way into the Sanctum is this Teleport Gate
    2: Octagonal Room; Empty, one door to the north. The door is not locked.
    3: Balista Trap; when the door is opened it shoots a large balista bolt. Thaco 8 dam 2d8
    4: Water Trap; the 2 doors are not locked or trapped but there is a pressure plate in the floor. Stepping on it causes the trapdoor to open into a 10 foot pit ( 1d6 falling damage ) and the west wall to open releasing a raging river/waterfall to crash down into the pit. A grate in the bottom allows the water to drain but the pit remains mostly full of water and the crush of water will hold anyone in the pit to the bottom. Allow 1 strength check at -5 to get out or the person starts to drown. Also, any gear or items that are held or not firmly attached will have a high chance of being washed away.
    5: Prydwyn's Throne Room: This room contains a cage made of bones that might contain one or more prisoners, and a throne on which the arch-mage Lich sits. He will not be taken by surprise and will have had time to ready many defensive and offensive spells. He is often attended by some powerful undead creatures.
    6: Pit room: There is a locked grate covering a pit in the floor. The pit is 50 ft deep but is hidden by an illusionary floor making it look only 8 ft deep with a small chest in the corner. Anyone falling to the bottom will take 5d6 damage. In addition to the doors to the entry and to the throne room, there 3 more doors. The Northwest door leads to room 9, it is locked. The southwest door leads to Trap 7. There is a permanent lightning bolt contained in a small room, it will be released when the door is opened doing 10d6 damage to anyone in its path. The southern door is not locked but it opens into room 8 and appears to be stuck. An open doors roll is needed to open it. It is attached to a huge glass ball in room 8 and opening the door will shatter the glass releasing the poison gas it contains. Save vs poison or die in 3 rds. Anyone saving still takes 3d4 damage.
    7: Lightning Trap; after the lightning disipates there is nothing in here.
    8: Gas Chamber; The door to the south is Wizard Locked, and leads to room 22.
    9: Demon Statue; An illusion makes the statue look like it is moving its head to look at you. The chains are decorative. The real danger is the 10 mummies that will step out of their coffins and attack. The door to the north is not locked and leads to room 10, the southern door to room 12 is locked.
    10: Golem Room; The 2 mummies are not yet animated, but the 2 stone golems are. The door in the north wall requires an Open Doors roll to open.
    11: Demon Trap; A powerful demon has been summoned and held in stasis by the runes in the floor. Opening the door will pull a brush across the circles releasing a furious demon.
    12: Pool Room; this room is empty, but the pool might contain a water elemental, several water weirds, or a school of flying pirhanna.
    13: Altar Room; the 4 statues could either be iron golems or Helmed Horrors. To the west a short flight of stairs leads down to the door to 14. To the south, a locked door leads to room 16.
    14: Fire Trap; Opening the door releases a trapped Fire Elemental.
    15: Sarcophagus Room; The sarcophagus contains the remains of Arwyn, the brother's sister. Disturbing her remains will enrage them.
    16: Delwyn's Throne Room; He also will not be caught off guard.
    17: Necromantic Prep Room; bad things happen here. The door to the left opens into room 18.
    18: The Disposal Room; where a whirlpool sucks anything that gets close into the plane of water. Anyone opening the door should roll for surprise, if they are surprised they are sucked in. Give them one dex check to see if they can grab the door frame and if they do give them a strength check to see if they can hold on. It will take a second check to pull themselve back in if they don't have help. If they are not surprised, then they automaticaly grab the doorframe and only need a strength check at +1 to push back away from danger. If they fail the check, they are pulled in but are still holding the door and have to roll to get out. Anyone who has been pulled in but is holding the frame will lose their grip and get sucked away if they fail the strength check by more than 4 points, or if they roll a 20.
    19: Negative Plane: This small closet is connected to the Negative plane and anyone within 8 ft of the open door will be touched by the Negative Plane energy losing 1 or 2 Levels as if they were touched by a powerful undead.
    20: Laboratory: This room contains the brother's lab equipment.
    21: Library: There are many books on magic theory in this small room, including some spellbooks, scrolls and books on lichdom, demon summoning and golem creation.
    22: Treasure Room; The door to this small room is Wizard locked at a very high level. There are 5 chests with a lot of treasure in here. Or is it an illusion?

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Lich Brothers Sanctum2a_bg.jpg
    Last edited by Bogie; 11-24-2016 at 06:42 PM.

  3. #23


    So much detail! Its like this place is real!


    There's only one teeny tiny thing that snagged my attention, but I really think its only a matter of personal opinion (and therefore not really what you would call an important point), but I think it would look even more perfect if there was a way to soften that hard straight line at the bottom of the image on the scroll. I didn't even notice it before, but the whole drawing is now so good that I do.

    Like I said, though - it really is a matter of opinion, and not really anything wrong at all.

    Otherwise perfect
    Last edited by Mouse; 11-24-2016 at 02:28 PM.

  4. #24
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    There's only one teeny tiny thing that snagged my attention, but I really think its only a matter of personal opinion (and therefore not really what you would call an important point), but I think it would look even more perfect if there was a way to soften that hard straight line at the bottom of the image on the scroll. I didn't even notice it before, but the whole drawing is now so good that I do.
    Good idea Mouse. I blended the bottom edge so now it looks better. I just replaced the map in the post above yours with the new one.

  5. #25


    Well, as far as I can see, its now totally perfect

  6. #26
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Thanks Mouse, Perfect is a strong word, but I'm glad you think so.
    I appreciate all the help from you, GLS and Snodsy. Really helped step it up a level, thanks.
    Last edited by Bogie; 11-25-2016 at 12:16 AM.

  7. #27
    Guild Artisan damonjynx's Avatar
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    That's awesome, not to mention deadly!
    Glory is the reward of valour.

    My blog at:

    Finished Maps

  8. #28
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damonjynx View Post
    That's awesome, not to mention deadly!
    Yeah, Two Lichs, a dozen mummies, two stone golems, four iron golems, Fire and Water Elementals, a very powerful demon, and a lot of nasty traps! This place is for a high level party of adventurers only.
    Last edited by Bogie; 11-26-2016 at 01:12 PM.

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