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Thread: July Challenge: Hebbie's Ale House

  1. #21
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Had some time to kill at the pool today, and they have internet there, so I did a little research on Sundials, as the FHCO mentioned a sunclock cause Cagil the Artificer hasn't got his shipment of spring steel in yet and so he hasn't built Ol' Horsehair his clock tube,,,,
    Anywho and whatnot, after looking about I found the basics to make a sundial, used my Lat and Long for Snapgallows and trusty sketchup, and 30 minutes later Hebbies has a working sundial in the garden, which will also replace the compass rose as that will incorporated into it. It actualiy works, according to Sketchups shadow tools, for the time of day, from about 8 am to 4 pm.
    Noon is called HighSun in Snappie, and in the pic on the sundial, with the morning hours being to the right and the evening to the left, as you look at it.
    On each hour the shadow from the gnomon (center rod) is in the center of the small pillar for the right hour on the plane....I haven't labelled the pillars yet as I can't think of good hour names, so I must storm with the FHCO.
    For their use I will render some tokens of the sundial for each hour to help them track gametime......then its back to knocking on Cagil's door to get the clock tube done so they know when it is time to go to bed.

    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
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    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  2. #22
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I have some pics of Pochard here. I am into ducks too - well all birds actually. There is a red crested Pochard which looks good but not native to UK so you only get them at zoo's and collections.

    Baobabs are cool trees but they are short and bushy. These are real tall, straight and like ship masts !. You read "The little prince ?" - Love that book. I think it lost a bit in translation tho.

    Military force. Well weve all been concentrating on the merchant side of things really. Meleeguy was going to do Fenridge Castle where there would be a large garrison. Anywhere along the ridge from Roebuck to Morton would have pretty large amounts of guards and mercenaries tho. All of the towns should have some sort of protection so I would think almost anywhere would be able to provide a background.
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  3. #23
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Nice Duck, we get a large amount of different ducks, geese, swans migrating through here, vast honking quacking flying V's that cross over right above where I live, so we always go out on the porch to watch when we hear them. Sometimes they are low enough to here the swish-buzz of their wings.
    Roebuck works great, as we will call them Roebuck Rangers, Ol' Horsehairs real dad, not Snapgallows dad, was a ranger, as was my greatgreat how ever many times grandfather during the revolutionary war, I have done a fair bit of research into the old ranging companies which will help and I have digital copies of his muster documents and pay scripts,,,which will make excellent keepsakes for Ol' Horsehair with a little PS to add his name. So he will be Royt Hayer of Bedell's Ranging Company. Solves the "has to be real" conundrum.
    Ahh, you blokes and your passion for trees like ships masts,,,you still don't use them in your Navy do you? YOUR ancestors pretty much harvested all of them from MY ancestors property ages ago for the crown.....I'll let Raith know your description and we will through out some names,,,tends to work.
    SeerBlue, the FHCO's are still sleeping.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  4. #24
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    weellll, i knew I was PS deficient, but the FHCO's seem to take great glee in proving it, I sent them the skp for the sundial tokens and a psd for photoshop (they live across town and I don't drive unless I have to, for humanities sake,,,and they sent me back this,,,much better than mine, so I am going to leave the artsy stuff to them,,,I figured out, by looking at their psd, they only used 2, just 2, layers, compared to my overloaded file......Orcs!!!
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
    Attached Images Attached Images
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  5. #25
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    okay Redrobes you asked for some names, so the FHCO's have perused , the Little Mermaid, Merry had a Little Lamb, the Farmer in the Dell, The Good Heart, and various household labels and come up with;
    Dellahm, Delling, Delling Pinhus ( really Pinus just so you know its a tree that grows in Dells, and masts where once made from New England White Pine, see we use everything to learn).

    Withal, Hanifer, Arithal, Aileath, Arileath (last 3 from Little Mermaid)

    Sangham, Mahbril (derived from words for Brotherhood, from the Good Heart)

    Meridrue, Merisung,,,,Merry had a little Lamb

    and lastly a friend of theirs who is of the Lakota Oyate, was listening to our silliness at the pool, ran home and brought back a list of Lakota words

    Tree = Can
    tough/hard = suta
    real = hce
    time = tohatu
    tall= haske
    Mother= Ina
    Grandmother= Uci or Kusi
    Large= Tanka

    for such names as Inacan, Ina Haske,Inahce,,and so on.
    I think she really caught on, from our explanation, that the trees were important trees, even though I pretty much just repeated your info about them...feel free to mix and match.

    Thanks for asking us to help out, we learned some history, and a very small part of an ancient language.

    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  6. #26
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Wow - excellent - utterly Fick !

    Hmm what to go for ? Well, Delling is a name of people. The map will be "The four ????" so Pinus has some slight pronunciation problem.

    Hanifers sounds like it could be a kind of conifer...

    The Lakota words sounds like an excellent resource with a little legitimacy to it. So it would need a 'Can' in it.

    So how about a mighty "Haskwood Canifer" - a species of tall evergreen, and try and please several at once. Sorry if your bit of word wasn't in that.

    So I need to start a new thread "The four Haskwood Canifers" and pitch into this months challenge and create a new Thrubland Inn somewhere to boot. Its a kind of upmarket inn. Its not really suitable for Fentor but would probably be found in the capitol of Thrub itself unless you think that you can accommodate an upmarket building in Snap.

    Edit -- The story is good. I can understand your connection to it and the feelings about collonialism. I tell you its about to happen again over here unless they start making a softer line over the current tax situation...
    Last edited by Redrobes; 07-10-2008 at 02:32 PM.

  7. #27
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Excellent name. I didn't realize their was an ancestor on the link above until after I posted it, actually two, old Mudgett is related also. All Blodgetts in the US are descended from 1 immigrant, it is believed, with a half dozen variations on the spelling. Some of them where quite "anti-everything", and even tried to secede from the US and Canada at the same time,,,,Named themselves the Indian Stream Republic.
    And I think I just found the name for Snapgallows nite soil expert,,,,,Mudgett.

    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  8. #28
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Just figured out what the pronunciation problem was
    "The map will be "The four ????" so Pinus has some slight pronunciation problem."

    I got a bit of a earpull from Bumblemouse when Lena mispronounced "Ficked" but it was to late to change the word as "Fick" is an important character in the tells...I can imagine what would happen if she tried saying "the four......

    Tomorrow some more wips of the Ale house will go up, I have them now, but it is like 90 degrees here and late, so I am going to walk around in the lawn sprinklers, which just kicked on outside, if the FHCO's can do it and have a Fick time, so can I.
    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-11-2008 at 12:16 AM.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  9. #29
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Now I see why kids love lawn sprinklers, no better way to cool of.
    Anywho, I meant to post the wips earlier, but as late in the middle of the night an idea for a bit of Lemur's Tell popped into my head and woke me up, I sat up til dawn typing....Thanks to Redrobes and his "Four Haskwood Canifers", a bit of her tell which was just "someplace else" now has a home, and alot more detail,,,,but thats another thread.
    The second floor is pretty much done, my job is putting in the windows, since the ruby script for that can be kinda tichy, as the wip shows.
    The missing wall section will be replaced, the script fuddled the faces enough that it would not render right so I chunked it out,,,
    So this wip is a bit of a teaser, you can't see inside the rooms as the "Guild of Rather Short , but Industrious, Artifact and Article Relocation Specialists" is still busy moving furniture about.
    After seeing Redrobes railings we hunted down a script to build our own, and painted it green, we couldn't find racing green, to say "ours is greenier than yours".
    They have sorted out what is hopefully the final texturing/color scheme for the final image when it is done, but my comp can't handle the whole model fully textured, it becomes very slow and very hot in this weather , so I will be posting shaded wips until I can render on theirs.
    So here is a teaser, done in conte and crayon, rendered in sketchup.
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's

    ### Latest WIP ###
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    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  10. #30
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    As work on the cellar will begin soon I thought I would get ahead of the game. or atleast the FHCO's and make some tokens of what may be found in Hebbies cellar, or Dim Cellar as it is called in Snap.
    Of course something simple never is, as Hebbie is pretty particular about the Tatershine he serves, he distills and flavors it himself. The Ales he passes across the topboard are also his own, brewed in the chill of the cellar, so this is where simple left, as quick as Kier.
    We decided shine'n up Pochard and other distinct flavors of tatershine is a rather volatile process, and produces a great deal of heat ( which Cagil the Artificer has managed to use to heat Hebbies floors during the colder months,,,radiant heating in West Fentor, who'd a thought, but anyway), so shinen and brewing is done in one area, and storage in another, and traffic to the Winter Kitchen skirts the last,,,,so that is the basic plan, but as Hebbies is an intergal part of the whole Snapgallows map (which is waddling along as well), access to the Dimways (tunnels) beneath Snapgallows is needed to, hidden access,,, so that is what this token is. A rack of barrels of Ale and Shine, leading to the dimways. 2 versions, vanilla sketchup and FHCO
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
    Attached Images Attached Images
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

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