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Thread: May / June '18 Lite Challenge: Kashgar

  1. #21
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys!

    fol2dol - I think the gold leaf effect took me longer than everything else combined! But it was definitely worth it. (I've been trying to keep in mind that part of this challenge is "fast" so I'm glad the rest of the map came together quickly.)

  2. #22
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    So I played around with ways to present the map. I'm actually leaning towards just the map as is, but my wife really likes the version I'm posting here. What do you guys think - map by itself or fancified?

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Kashgar Display v3 (sm).jpg

  3. #23
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Map by itself:

    Kashgar v9 (sm).jpg

  4. #24
    Guild Adept bkh1914's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Definitely the map by itself.

    The background lessens the impact of the map's style.
    And the map on the scroll is a different style.

    If you want to have the two styles in juxtaposition,
    I'd suggest having the background map show the same area at
    about the same scale so the contrast / comparison is more obvious.
    And have the background map in a similar orientation.
    (i.e. rotate the scroll and expand that section of it's map.)
    Last edited by bkh1914; 06-06-2018 at 10:51 PM.

  5. #25
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Thanks, bkh1914! I also prefer the map by itself.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Kashgar v9 (sm).jpg

  6. #26
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Hi !
    Map by itselt too. Great portolan map !

  7. #27
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    Thanks, Tenia!

    I did a little clean-up, will post momentarily!

  8. #28
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter aeshnidae's Avatar
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    "Kashgar...the near mythical land of silks and spices, a land of brightly-feathered birds that could mimic the strange, melodic language spoken by the beautiful, dark-eyed Kashgarian men and women...a land with a lush, deeply green interior said to hide a magical lake of the purest blue at its center, a fountain of youth and vigor...a land said to be home to magical creatures called djinn. Quinn grew up among fishermen on the coast; as a child she soaked in the tales of Kashgar spun by Duscan sailors who visited the fish markets. Most of those were tall tales, of course. The voyage to Kashgar's royal city of Dushan was dangerous even for the most seasoned of Duscany's sailors, and only the Royal Dushani Spice Company's most established captains were trusted with the navigation charts showing the waterways that would carry them safely into Dushan's harbor. Quinn once caught a glimpse of those charts, quite by accident but she studied it intently for those brief seconds. She did not know the entire route, but she knew where to wait and watch, and then slip in behind a Duscan ship headed for Kashgar. After years of preparation, Quinn, accompanied her twin brother and their three closest friends, steered the Errant Venture into a cove to await the passage of the Royal Dushani Spice Company ship that should be rounding The Reach before daybreak. Prior to leaving Hope's Bay, they each made sure to settle up any outstanding debts and say anything that needed to be said. Quinn and her companions were optimistic, but also realistic. They felt well prepared to undertake the dangerous voyage, but also knew it may be their last."

    This map was inspired by the style of maps in the Ottoman "Book on Navigation," published circa 1525. Most of the maps use swooping, craggy coastlines to show all of the coves and other areas to shelter a ship (my coastlines are less craggy). The mountains are often strangely situated and colorful, which I tried to faithfully recreate. Most of the maps also use gold leaf, which I've captured here thanks to an open license photo of a gold bar. I drew the map in Photoshop using a Wacom Intuous tablet. The font is Aceh Darusalam, also open license, available at The paper background is an image of a blank page from the Book on Navigation available in the Walters Art Gallery's online collection, which I edited in Photoshop.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Kashgar v10 (sm).jpg

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