Wow thank you all for the great responses, it really makes my day!
@ Lingon
I will definitely paint the globe to look as perfect as humanly possible. The globe itself was actually a necessary side project because I was having trouble scaling the larger features of the map to work (look at tiles 36 and 37). So I HAD to do the globe, the glorious, massive time sink that it is, just to have the precisely drawn features for the map tiles.
@ J. Edward
I was inspired by Google maps and thought, why not make a fantasy project with similar attempt at scale? I want to make sure that resolution wasn't going to be a problem at any practical scale.
I'll try to keep to a promise of a couple posts a week just for you guys.
Right now I am doing slow build, getting myself back into the production process. When focused, I usually crank out one or two map tiles a day, depending upon what life allows me. With some rough estimates, the 9 continents , likely averaging 50 map tiles with a rough 3-4 hours per tile, minus the approximate 300 for the work already done, means that I have about 1200 more map hours to go. The Globe project is an unkown time sink, I have spent so much time designing the story of the world in the planetary features that it could take a while longer.
The advantage of this obsessiveness is that as the creator, the whole time you draw the map you are thinking of new things to put into the landscape, and how things on the world happen; avoiding the plague of a world that feels empty. It's like you brainstorm the whole time, which is so fun!
@ dsfargeg
Hey, use that jealousy! That can be turned into inspiration and used for your own project! If instead you are keen to help PM me. When I was thinking of starting this project, I found this website really quickly and looked at every map that was in the archive. Thoroughly impressed and a little jealous myself, I felt like I could try to stand on the shoulders of giants. Just go for it!
So as of a few days ago, I have restarted the project. You guys rock!