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Thread: Does the Cartographers Choice work? If yes, how?

  1. #21
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    I would put my hand up for managing CC and Tutorial awards, if an additional Pair of Hands is needed.
    Also am i interested in helping bringing up a structure to make this process more easy and transparent to the community.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzkreuz View Post
    I would put my hand up for managing CC and Tutorial awards, if an additional Pair of Hands is needed.
    Also am i interested in helping bringing up a structure to make this process more easy and transparent to the community.
    As far as I know, we are caught up with tutorial awards (Thanks Ravs!)

    There isn't much "hidden" about the choice awards, either... Behind the scenes, a CL suggests a particular map posted in the finished map forums (that meets all the requirements specified in the sticky to be recognized as a Choice map), other(s) agree, and a CL posts it up in the forum.

    I'll check with Robbie if he is interested in bringing on any additional volunteers... we have quite a few all ready, it just seems availability of folks waxes and wanes.

    -ROb A>

  3. #23
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    Ah, well I wasnt implying anything to be cheasy, I just had the feeling that simple matters had to be remind from time to time, how things are structured.
    In correspond to the recent time of the first half of 2012, I surgest to anounce CC, perhaps by quartals/seasons. It would have a regular structure, without pressing to much as to handle booth, the monthly challenge & CC at the same time. Surgestions could be collected within the 3 Months range and than anouncement prepares.
    It simply appeared to me that the workload may had overflowed the capacities, the last half year. Which caused irregularities within the timeframes, when something was anounced an award. This is not a complaining post or something. I just want to improoved and help within the community. And I have only been on board for roughly 11 Months, so I am not clear about regularities in the past years. This community had become a focus of my interests so I am glad to help.

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