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Thread: Yet another, H!: Keep on the Shadowfell map

  1. #21
    Guild Apprentice cadric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pingomannen View Post
    Absolutely stunning work! I am definatley borrowing these for the keep parts of my campaign.

    How's it coming with level 2?
    I have been working on a couple of other maps. But I will begin on this again soon. Level 2 should be fairly quick to finish, since it's mostly just beds, crates and doors that are missing from it..

  2. #22


    that's awesome Do you have any tips fro creating really wellmade maps(like yours), how did you create the square pattern, where do you get your textures from? i have been really inspired by your work, and will probably try to create some maps of my own for the future adventures of my D&D group, all because of you Cheers mate

  3. #23
    Guild Apprentice cadric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pingomannen View Post
    that's awesome Do you have any tips fro creating really wellmade maps(like yours), how did you create the square pattern, where do you get your textures from? i have been really inspired by your work, and will probably try to create some maps of my own for the future adventures of my D&D group, all because of you Cheers mate
    I can't give you any pro tips, since I'm a newbie myself and this is my first map I started with
    However I can tell you how I got started with making maps and getting pretty good looking textures fairly quickly. I got Filterforge at a holiday sale. With it you get 1000's of textures, that is easy to scale, color and recreate for your own purpose. It's a really good photoshop plugin. It will even work standalone. But it's best to use with photoshop.
    As for the objects I mostly just create them myself from scratch. It's easier then it looks once you get started. Get a reference of what you want and just start making it. And with filterforge you also will have a easy time giving your objects textures.

    So the main thing I would recommend is getting filterforge if you already have photoshop. BUT wait for them to have a sale. I got the basic version 75% off. Or else it's pretty expensive.

    Everything thing else is just layers upon layers of items that all create what you see. 1 layer with cracks, 1 layer with dirt, one layer with slime etc.. Download the .psd I have linked in one of the other posts to see how I created this.

    Oh and remember to check the turtorials here. Many of them are very good at getting your started.
    And one last thing. A good little filter for creating your grid is this: Grid Generator
    Hope that helps
    Last edited by cadric; 04-14-2011 at 11:57 AM.

  4. #24
    Guild Apprentice cadric's Avatar
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    btw filterforge have a trial. So try that first and see if its something for you.

  5. #25
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    Great job on the dungeon maps cadric, they look really good.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

    * Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt

  6. #26
    Guild Applicant Harshmage's Avatar
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    I'm actually going to use your level 1 map instead of my throw-together PyMapper version (which is honestly taking way too long due to layers not up to snuff). Here's to you, and here's to the future Level 2!

  7. #27


    Hey again. Just stopping in to see if you have worked more on the level 2 map? By the looks of it, you have probably canceled the project for more intersstig work, bur I thought I'd just give it a shot.


  8. #28
    Guild Apprentice cadric's Avatar
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    I haven't canceled the project. I'm just horrible slow
    However.. Good news everyone..
    I can almost promise it will done before sunday...(If its not, then don't hate me..heh.)
    I finished level 2 last week except for doors and a few stairs. Other then that area 1 to 19 is all done.

  9. #29
    Guild Apprentice cadric's Avatar
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    Default overall progress of level 2 - Update / WIP

    So I'm almost done. All area's have been furnished and finished. Including area 19

    What is left to do on level 2 is doors mostly. Might be some cleaning up to do or extra small details to add.

    And sorry about the delay. I'm only working on this when I really feel like it

    Anyway here is a preview of the almost done lvl 2.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by cadric; 07-22-2011 at 05:03 PM.

  10. #30


    That is great news Cadric I'm running Keep on the Shadowfell right now using your beutiful maps, and the party have just entered the first level of the keep. Keep up the good work, pun intended, and I hope you continue with Thundeerspire labyrinth next

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