Well, as per my usual method, I get close to finishing up and I start it over again.
However, this time I think I came up with a usable script. Every step I did to this map is a regular menu command, with only 1 step involving manual labor. I have not tested the script on other random worlds yet though, so it may not be generic enough. We'll have to see. But here are the start and end images.
Original map:
Gryphii - Start.jpg
Final map:
Gryphii - Final.jpg
Here are the steps used:
Landmass Preparation:
1 - Drop water level to -1000 ft
2 - Fill Basins
3 - Select altitude from -1000 to 0 ft
4 - Lower Pre-scale offset by 0.075
5 - Smooth Pre-scale offset by 2
6 - Incise Flow (Amt: 2; Flow Exp: 0.4; Blend: 0.5; Blur: 1.5)
7 - Fill Basins
8 - Smooth Offset by 2
9 - Set Water Level to 0 ft
Weather Tampering:
Dry out the Horse Latitudes:
10 - Load Horse Latitudes selection file (a selection file I created, will post it in a separate post)
11 - Lower Rainfall by 20 inches
12 - Raise Temperature by 10 degrees
Monsoon the Equator and 60 degree Lats:
13 - Load Weather Bands selection file (ditto Horse Latitudes file above)
14 - Raise Rainfall 20 inches
Dry the continental interiors:
15 - Select Altitude from 0 to 100000 ft
16 - Contract Selection by 10 pixels
17 - Lower Rainfall by 1 inch
18 - Repeat steps 16-17 until the selection completely disappears
Wet down the coasts:
19 - Select Altitude from -100000 to 0 ft
20 - Expand Selection 10 pixels
21 - Select Altitude from 0 to 100000 ft, subtract from current selection (this leaves a 10 pixel border around the edges of the continents as your current selection)
- Note: looks like the beta version I am using might be doing selection subtractions incorrectly. You may have to change this command to desired result. I am working with tech support to figure out what is going on, and will update/change this step as necessary.
22 - Raise Rainfall 2 inches
Clean up:
23 - MANUAL - Hand-fix potholes where sections inside the continent boundary drop below sea-level.
24 - Fill Basins
25 - Find Rivers