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Thread: Random Dungeon Map - Suggestions needed

  1. #21
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Cool, thanks for the hookup on the doors.
    My Finished Maps
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  2. #22
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    I wasn't able to find Greytale's original post with these so I will post them here. They are his art not mine, but I don't think he will mind.

    I did find a thread on Dundjinni Forums with some other ones he made, Here is the link:


  3. #23
    Guild Apprentice greytale's Avatar
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    Thanks Bogie for the kind words. Great Maps!

    Jfrazierjr, Those arches are part of the stone set originally released at DJ.

    They can be found there and also at the Nook.

    The stoneset with arches
    Some other arches
    Last edited by greytale; 01-18-2012 at 06:54 PM.
    Have you dressed your dungeon lately?

  4. #24
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    I finished the map. Thanks to everyone who helped with advice and suggestions.

    Made 2 versions, one with the original floor tiles, and one with floor tiles that create a 5' x 5' grid over most of the map.

    The map was assembled in Dundjinni using mostly art from the DJ Forums and from Greytale's Nook.
    The backgrounds are from Dirty_Stone_Slab_by_GrungeTextures and Grunge_Texture_by_struckdumb

    Feedback, comments and constructive criticism always welcome.

    Dungeon101a_bg.jpg Dungeon102_bg.jpg

  5. #25


    This is so much fun to look at. I like the symbols set in the stone floor.

  6. #26
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Thanks, I try to make my maps so they look nice and are interesting to play on.

  7. #27


    To Quote the self styled "super villain" Megamind; "The difference between a 'good' villain and a 'super' villain is. . . PRESENTATION!". So be it, an evil temple. Always a 'good' idea, and lots of fun for 'good' characters/players to defeat. But. . .'great' characters/players always remember 'great' ideas for which dungeons are based around. So don't "sell" it to them cheap. Demon worshiping, drug using, flesh sacrificing, Spiritualists get remembered (and mercilessly beaten) while evil clerics are just "C7, LE, AC4, HP25, etc... The point (over-done though it may be) here is, throw in some adjectives, some color, something to remember you by. Think Slaughter House, Wicked Hostel, or Vial Shrine. Please don't think I'm being rude or disrespectful to any one, but I find that sometimes I get "lazy" when I'm filling in the spaces of my larger campaign with side dungeons ('small crawls' as we call them) or diversionary encounters and ease off of the creativity. Sorry to use so many words to make so small a point, but it is an important one that I feel strongly about and constantly try to work on in my own game. Consider applying this line of thinking to your interior design as well. Colors, textures and smells are always important, but so are placement and function. Whose to say some paranoid evil priest wouldn't put in a few extra doors for security, or take unusual or extravagant measures in his designs (like putting door handles on the opposite side of the door from the hinges to fool heroes into pulling when they should push). The devil's in the details.

  8. #28
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Right, but you also missed the point of this dungeon. I started with a basic outline and followed the advice from those who posted as to how they would like to see the dungeon finished. One of the early points made was that all the floors should be the same with the exception of a couple special rooms. So, while I normally use multiple floor textures and lots of details, I wanted to stay close the the parameters of those people who chose to help out with their advice. People like lots of different style maps. Some are much happier with a hand drawn outline on graph paper than a hyper realistic detailed map. Your view of what a map should look like is just as valid as theirs but not any more so.

    That being said, my maps usually tend to lean more in the direction you describe, just not for this project.
    However it did not take much to make a few changes and pimp up the map, so here is a third version with more "flavor".
    Some will like it more, but some will like it less, and that's OK.

    Chateau Despair
    Last edited by Bogie; 03-11-2012 at 01:04 AM.

  9. #29


    Thanks for the reply. I love it. Sorry if I got "over excited". Maps were always one of my favorite parts of the game and I'm still learning the rules of propriety here. Point taken.

  10. #30
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    No problem Voll-ka, glad you like the final result. And feedback is always welcome (as long as it is constructive, as yours was).

    Welcome to the Forum!
    Last edited by Bogie; 03-15-2012 at 07:33 PM.

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