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Thread: Sedivore: WIP

  1. #21
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    I don't think I can help much at this point as your stuff seems still very vague, but here's what I think is the most powerful advice:

    - don't get confounded with map making and world making - it's two separate things.

    A map is THE tool for world making, but it needs to be practical more than beautiful, and world making is not about making that particular map look cool. In fact, if you manage to world-make properly, then you can map-make for ages from a single world...
    Thanks, I have most of the world made but its all trapped in my head. I'm focusing on the map so i can visualize better where the cities/towns and Kingdoms are laid out. I'm doing it this way so when I begin writing again, I know more realistically (ish) how long it would take to get from one place to another.

    I definitely agree with Piratical before be Beautiful; however, I'm planning to put the map(s) in the books i write, so I do want some bit of aesthetics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    If you keep the last version as new basis for your WIP, I suggest to make the oceans a lighter blue to make the lands pop more. The whole thing seems a bit dark right now (although I prefer it compared to the bright colors of the first version).
    Great, i wasn't too sure if a lighter blue would contrast it too much, but I'll give it a try.

  2. #22
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    A few updates.

    With Color

    Map Of Sedivore v4-05 [color].JPG

    The following maps have a scale marker attached to them. Each of the small green blips = 200 Miles. the whole bar = 2400 Miles

    With Color and basic Terrain

    Map Of Sedivore v4-03 [color, terrain].JPG

    Rough Borders added.

    Map Of Sedivore v4-01 [color, terrain, borders].JPG

    No Color or details, just land and water

    Map Of Sedivore v4-00.JPG

  3. #23
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    The Globe of Sedivore.JPG

    Sedivore v4-06 [WIP All graphics 1459x730].jpg

    Kaldria CityState 2-3 [WIP 1024x818].jpg

    If anyone would like to throw some feedback on either the Map, the world, or the story that takes place in the world, you can Like my Facebook page at:

    I'd like to have constructive discussions, I don't mind hearing about how much my maps suck, as long as I know what sucks about it and how to fix it. There will be some things i just won't change, mainly because I'm working more on the story and the maps are used for reference, but if it is something major or that just doesn't make sense or anything inconsistent, I'd like to hear about it.

    Questions are welcome because they focus my attention on specific aspects of my world and my ability to build my world.

  4. #24


    Concerning the city map, I think it's lacking of an urban planning. We can't see the main streets and how the city is "working". And, is the river going under the city? That would be very uncommon (but quite interesting though).

  5. #25
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Yeah, sorry. I'll post what I have on the Facebook page here when I get home, those questions are answered.

    The River does flow under the city.

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