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Thread: Ancient Greece

  1. #21
    Guild Apprentice MeFanch's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    I'm not sure the method he used. It appears there is more than 1 way to skin a cat after all (though why you would want to skin one I'll never know!)

    But, in gimp you can create a grid on a new layer. When setting it up, either remove the verticle or horizantal, change spacing and line width/color to your preference. Go to your outline, shrink it or expand it (depending on if you're going for an internal or external "highlight") and create boarder (again to your width preference). Go to your grided (which actually should be a whole mess of parrallell lines), and hit delete... er. Should have just removed everything not in the selected boarder area. Unselect, and filter as you prefer - blur, fuzzie, motion etc to get the effect you want.

    If you want them in a diagonal rather than verticle or horizantal - before deleting the unselected part - just rotate the parallell line layer to the angle you want - then hit delete.

    If that makes any kind of sense? (I'm not at my computer w/ gimp on it.. so my terms may not make quite as much sense - and I may be calling them what I think they are rather than the actual button names).

    Granted, there is probably a lot of other ways, maybe some that are even simpler (scripts or what not). But, I don't really use any scripts. Just the basics.

  2. #22
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany


    This gonna be a cool map. I like the border´s style too and I would like to know, how you arranged it. The only thing is, that in your map the blue coastal border-lines are too similar with the blue country-lines of the attic alliance (or whatever), but a different color would solve this "problem", if you share my point...

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by randigpanzrall View Post
    This gonna be a cool map. I like the border´s style too and I would like to know, how you arranged it. The only thing is, that in your map the blue coastal border-lines are too similar with the blue country-lines of the attic alliance (or whatever), but a different color would solve this "problem", if you share my point...
    Indeed, I changed the blue color shortly after uploading the picture on here, do once I get a new picture up you'll see.

    I'll also try and get a mini tutorial or something up describing how I did the line borders. I'm using photoshop by the way.

    Anyways, it's really fun to see some more interest in this thread, that always keeps you motivated.

  4. #24
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany


    absolutely !!

    For the past I always worked with illustrator because I´m afraid of pixelish borders and so on. In the future - in order to create more artificial maps - I´ll have to become photoshops friend, I fear
    Go on with Greek, I´m looking for more!!
    Are you from Greece?

  5. #25


    Hehe, no, I'm scandinavian.

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