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Thread: June / July '15 Lite Challenge: Halarnoth (The Shattered Isles)

  1. #21
    Guild Journeyer Wolram's Avatar
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    Jun 2015


    I've lost the towns for now, tried many approaches but haven't found anything that fits very well.

    Mostly added detail to the coastlines, I also added the island of Fjorvascr, which I think is my favourite island because I seem to have achieved more by doing less! Compared to Mjorvascr where I think I went a bit mad on highlights... Probably going to have to re-draw the mountains on Mjorvascr, they are also too big I think...

    Could do with some pointers on forests, mine are a bit ... blob-like.

    I also need to show a strong current around Arvascr, any ideas how best to do that?

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    ### Latest WIP ###HALARNOTH 5.jpg

  2. #22
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland


    LOL, I feel ya on changing your mind about earlier work. Sometimes I'll be working on something and I get better as I go along, then I look back at the first bits I did and they're terrible in comparison to the latest stuff. But having said that, I think what you've done with Mjorvascr looks good and not overdone. My impression of Fjorvascr is that the mountains aren't as high on that island. Not sure if that's what you were going for?

    If you're stuck for towns and running out of options, there's always the default simple circle. There seems to be a trend lately for little pictorial icons to depict cities. These are very pretty but aren't always necessary when there's a lot of detail elsewhere. I think you've got plenty of interesting stuff already and could get away with simple dots.

    For the forests, I think you just need to add in some colour variation to break them up a bit. Some different shades of green to add a textured feel would work beautifully.

    I really love how this map is turning out. It's fabulous!
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #23


    Just passing by to say that I really like the land shapes and the the superb coloring.

  4. #24
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    A simple circle is a nice clean way to mark the cities, but I found an interesting circle you might like. or not, your choice.


  5. #25
    Guild Journeyer Wolram's Avatar
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    Jun 2015


    Ah thanks Bogie,
    I've started trying to draw some isometric buildings, I'll have to see how they look when I'm done. I may end up scrapping them, in which case this looks pretty decent. I'll try and upload tonight.

  6. #26
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Meshon's Avatar
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    This is looking really good, as you already know For cities and towns you could try just using a single building, like a thatched hut for towns and a tower for cities. I guess it depends on what the towns and cities are actually made of. A medium stroke on a 50% opacity circle could also be exactly enough. Bogie's circle makes me think of walls and gates, which is pretty cool. As small icons I think they'd look good.

    What does the suffix -vascr mean? It makes me think of scars in the world and shattering, very appropriate.


  7. #27
    Guild Journeyer Wolram's Avatar
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    I like to imagine that languages are old and always evolving, so originally, by those who witnessed the destruction, it would indeed have meant something more like "scar", but for the people who live there now "Vascr" has come to mean "Island", by means of functionality.

    I'm trying out some small buildings at the moment so I'll see how they go. It's hard to draw with so few pixels!

    Thanks for the feedback Meshon!

  8. #28
    Guild Journeyer Wolram's Avatar
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    Jun 2015


    Right then,

    I've redrawn the Mjorvascr, it's a little bit softer now and more how I imagined it. I've been trying out some different town and castle drawings, though they all need more work I think they could turn out ok. Some of the places like "Svarnor" just need re-drawing at a bigger scale and shrinking down again. Don't know why I was trying to draw them at the actual size!

    Trying out a style for drawing rivers on Mjorvar.

    The tree of Arenor is a giant tree that grows from the deep ashes of "The (enter dramatic name here) disaster" but that needs a bit more work too!!

    Lots of other minor changes, got some colour in the border,

    I've also made a few attempts at getting some words under the title but frankly my poetry could be easily confused with the sound of a dying cat.

    ### Latest WIP ###HALARNOTH 7.jpg

  9. #29
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Hey Wolram, i can oly agree with the others on the great looking landmass and the splendid colouring. Very inspiring! I really like all the little details you added (the river on Mjorvascr for example looks just brilliant!) Looking forward how it develops.

  10. #30
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland


    Standing stones! I love it!!

    I like your icons and they add a nice touch. I agree with Abu that the river is fantastically well done.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

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