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Thread: The Sleepy Dwarf Inn [commission]

  1. #21


    Welcome and beautiful work! I love how you manage the lights from the windows : the dust light has some fairy and is very well found!

  2. #22
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Oliva View Post
    What nonsense! I know several places that have this pattern, sites that sell it and I could make it myself if I wanted to. It's an old universal pattern. You wouldn't stand a rat's chance of asserting a copyright on it! But if you were here in Germany, I could you into a lot of trouble for making a public accusation of IP theft that you wouldn't be able to back up. I don't know what Swedish law says about such things.
    Of course the meander pattern is tousands of years old. I meant the graphics itself. Probably just a strange coincidence the graphis were identical! He had 20 "meanders" on his carpet and I had 20 too etc.
    Last edited by Carnifex; 01-18-2016 at 01:56 PM.

  3. #23
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhey View Post
    They are all different. None of those match yours or mine. One was close with 21 similar "meanders". Ours had 20.

  4. #24
    Guild Member Vhey's Avatar
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    It's not really a coincidence actually. Aesthetics played a huge role in the number of meanders. For the size of the circle I was working in, 20 just fit. I originally was going to use 18 because 18 was easily divisible by 360 degrees of the circle. When I started drawing it out however, the little swirls looked too stretchy, like they had been spun. I tried 20, the next best divisible into 360 and they formed perfect little squares.

    Like when two things are invented separately in different civilizations independently because "what works best, just works best".

  5. #25
    Guild Member Vhey's Avatar
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    Thanks Jacktannery and tainotim. I like the advise.

    Chick, I used the rotate canvas feature in the latest photoshop. Lets you turn the canvas around like a piece of paper on the table while you draw. I did use a square brush because of all the corners I didn't want to have to fiddle with each of those using a round brush. In fact that feature is what got me to upgrade lately, speeds up my workflow by a ton.

    Carnifex, not that it matters a bunch, but I'm a 'she'. Nice to meet you.

  6. #26
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhey View Post
    Thanks Jacktannery and tainotim. I like the advise.

    Chick, I used the rotate canvas feature in the latest photoshop. Lets you turn the canvas around like a piece of paper on the table while you draw. I did use a square brush because of all the corners I didn't want to have to fiddle with each of those using a round brush. In fact that feature is what got me to upgrade lately, speeds up my workflow by a ton.

    Carnifex, not that it matters a bunch, but I'm a 'she'. Nice to meet you.
    Sorry about that... I read your name as someting else (that sounded like a he) - I have terrible eye sight so I an't read much. Nice to meet you to.

  7. #27


    Well this was awkward. =P

    Great inn map! Really nice and unique style and I love the look. I was going to mention the window light thing but J.Edward already did!

  8. #28


    This is such a beautiful map - what's your secret to getting such smooth lines? No matter what I do, everything I make ends up looking slightly pixelated. This is a beautiful smooth, delicious map. I love it! Share your secrets

  9. #29
    Guild Member Vhey's Avatar
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    Thank you all again for your kind comments.

    Saria, thanks. Although I'm not sure which lines you mean. If yours are pixelated, might use a softer edged brush? Or work in a higher res and save down.

  10. #30
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    Very nice work! The colors are vivid while not eye popping. Something I rarely see in fully colored work.

    I wish I could give you advice but I'm a noob who just wants to say I like your work.

    Also I do everything hand drawn too, I have no idea how you get such straight lines. lol Masks? Pen tool? Those things I refuse to learn?

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