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Thread: 2016 Map Awards (Annual Challenge replacement)

  1. #21


    I disagree. I believe cartographers should be permitted to submit their own work for consideration. Call it a "submission" instead of a "nomination," to reduce the sense that you're patting yourself on the back.

    Otherwise, you're only likely to get entries that are fresh in peoples' minds at the time nominations open, leaving out work that was made early in the year or after nominations were opened. (This is part of the reason we have "Oscars Season").

    If someone works specifically toward this award all year only to not get nominated because they weren't permitted to submit their own work, that could leave a very sour taste in their mouth.

    Finally, we already have a nomination system in place with the Cartographer's Choice award.

    edit: And by the way, productions do nominate themselves for many awards, such as the Emmys and VES Awards.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  2. #22
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter onez's Avatar
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    I probably agree with Midgardsormr.
    This is a challenge in spirit after all, right? So I guess it should be more about submissions than nominations.

    That being said, either way is OK with me

  3. #23
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
    I think one of the rules should be to PREVENT us from nominating our own maps. I mean, actors and musical artists can't nominate themselves for the Oscars or the Grammys...
    any yet artists can submit their work into spectrum, which is something closer to this.

    I don't mind either way as long as we get something decided. We're almost 2/3rds the year and we don;t really know what's going on here

    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    If someone works specifically toward this award all year only to not get nominated because they weren't permitted to submit their own work, that could leave a very sour taste in their mouth.
    yeah, i'm hoping to get a map ready by year's end though I have a lot o preliminary work to sort through before i post anything, so I agree with this
    Last edited by vorropohaiah; 08-24-2016 at 05:56 AM.

  4. #24


    My personal opinion is this:

    • Each member should be permitted to nominate up to three finished maps, but not their own work. After all, we can't rep ourselves, so why should we be able to nominate ourselves? That smacks to me of vanity of the highest order!
    • If the more popular artists end up nominated several times over for several different works, only the work that has the greatest number of nominations should be considered to have been entered. That way we don't end up looking at nothing but a single cartographer's work, which I'm sure would be just as embarrassing for them as it would be for the rest of us.
    • If a person doesn't want to be nominated for whatever reason, they should be able to politely decline the nomination. The genuinely shy should never be forced into a spotlight.

    These are only my thoughts on the matter, but whatever you do, you really need to control it so that you don't end up with every single finished map sitting in a humongous pile waiting to be judged, or you will end up taking another whole year to finish the job.

    Well - whatever you decide, you can always change it for next year if it just doesn't work

  5. #25
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    I just raised this again with the CLs a few days back, so we haven't forgotten. Hopefully we'll have an update soon.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  6. #26
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    I think everyone should be able to submit (not nominate!) their best maps, just like the challenges. The reason I find it important that you can submit your own work is that there are a lot of great artist around here that simply aren't so well known. I fear that when others should nominate a map these silent beauties are too easily overseen. If we end up with people nominating maps of other's it would be more like 'The Grand Cartographer's Choice Awards', which would be an interesting concept on its own I guess.

    I'd say the most important question is: do we want this to be a challenge where people can choose to enter themselves, or an award ceremony where people are nominated?


  7. #27
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    I was thinking the same thing. There is no need to duplicate Cartographers Choice, only a far more reductive version of it. If this is a challenge people should obviously submit their own maps. We already tried people making their maps specifically for this challenge but it didn't work so well. I don't think awards show style is really the way to go, there is a reason the Oscars spend oodles of money trying to make the ceremonies interesting, and that's because at it's core award ceremonies are boring and meaningless.

  8. #28


    I think you will find that if we are allowed to nominate our own maps there will be just too many for the judges to cope. That's all. I know I wouldn't want to be faced with a pile of several thousands with only thirty days to make a decision.

  9. #29
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    For there to be thousands of submissions, every guild member active or not would have to submit something. That simply isn't going to happen. And presuming that each person can only submit one thing (or if there are categories perhaps one thing per category, or perhaps one thing only), there are not going to be that many submissions. Presumably it's going to be a multiple choice poll like it is for the challenges, so you are going to be judging If there are more than say 30 maps then it could be an arduous task, but I don't think there will be that many.

  10. #30


    Self nomination? Well you can count me out! I don't happen to have a very high opinion of any of my maps! LOL!

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