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Thread: Call for Award Categories

  1. #21
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Below is a list which briefly summarises the award suggestions so far. Note that this is only for reference, and not an indication of the categories that we're choosing. Those haven't been decided yet, so don't assume that any or all of the items below are going to be included. If you've got other ideas, feel free to share them. I should probably remind everyone that we're not going to have a large number of awards, so long lists aren't going to cut it. Aim for (approximately) half a dozen.


    Awards related to map creation method, i.e.
    Best digital (PS/Gimp etc)
    Best traditional (pen & paper)
    Best mechanical (CC3/Dundjinni etc)
    Hybrid (combo of above?)

    Awards related to what the map depicts, i.e.
    Best world / continent / regional
    Best village / town / city
    Best dungeon/subterranean
    Best battle or encounter map
    Best building or structure
    Best sci-fi / modern / space map
    Best boardgame map
    Most imaginative/original/creative

    Awards related to specific features, i.e.
    Best colour / best labels / best B&W map / most realistic

    Other suggestions
    Best overall map
    Best newcomer (or best among those who've never won an award before)
    Most improved mapmaker
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  2. #22
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    i don't think modern should be included in sci-fi/space. It make more sense to be in with the world/continental/regional, or taken on a case-by-case basis. also most realistic seems a bit odd as a choice.

    Other than that, I like these, including best overall which could be a poll amongst users once the others are announced by staff?

  3. #23
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    The list is really just a condensed version of what people have suggested so far. I wouldn't read too much into the way things are grouped. Nothing's decided.

    My personal opinion is that I'd prefer to keep categories as open-ended as possible, with only the most general of criteria. Anything too specific becomes problematic. For example, this map of Max's - where would you categorise that? Do you see the problem?
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  4. #24
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post

    For example, this map of Max's- where would you categorise that? Do you see the problem?

    I'd just put Max's in "the Kick Ass, Wish I Could Do That category"

    Black & White Map

    I second all of the Onez adds l- fiction/non-fiction and the technical ones - type/labels, etc.

    I like the career one or someone who's given to the guild in other ways - critiques, admin, tutorials, sharing, etc.

  5. #25
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Haha, I think Max wins the 'Kick Ass' category hands down.

    Keep the ideas coming folks, bearing in mind what I've said above.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  6. #26
    Guild Journeyer Guild Supporter onez's Avatar
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    I feel like categorising by what the map depicts (region/town/dungeon/...) is kind of a restriction, as most of them are heavily rooted in the roleplaying, fantasy and science fiction lore.

    I feel like this could be more about cartography in all its forms, not its applications.

    EDIT: I basically agree with ChickPea on having as open-ended categories as possible
    Last edited by onez; 08-24-2016 at 01:16 PM.

  7. #27
    Guild Novice blue adventurer's Avatar
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    Most original and most creative map with good details ofc should win

  8. #28
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected
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    First off, I love the idea of having categories, thanks to the community reps for pushing this concept. I recommend we have a 2-stage award system for the year in which we structure the awards by category and sub-category. First, we pick the winners of each sub-category; from those winners, we select the winner for the broader category the following week.

    Category: Map Tools.
    Judged by usefulness, number of platforms it supports (GIMP, PS, etc) quality, presentation, originality, and user-friendliness. We could even break it down further into texture packs, brushes, font. Can be a wholly original work or a significant improvement on an existing product.
    Subcategory: Scripts
    Subcategory: texture packs
    Subcategory: brushes, icons, and fonts,
    Subcategory: miscellaneous tools that don't fit in other categories.

    Category: Tutorials. Judged on the same criteria as the map tools category.
    Subcategory: Comprehensive Start-to-finish map tutorials
    Subcategory: Tutorials focusing on an individual step/component of a map

    Category: Map Components: Must be original products produced during the year. Judged by utility, artistic presentation, originality, and technical merit.
    Subcategory: Icons and Heraldry
    Subcategory: Compass Roses and Scales
    Subcategory: Frames
    Subcategory: Miscellaneous components that don't fit into the other categories.

    Category: Maps. Must be original products produced during the year. Judged by utility, artistic presentation, originality, and technical merit.
    Subcategory: Global and Regional maps
    Subcategory: Urban maps
    Subcategory: Tactical/dungeon/building/board game maps
    Subcategory: Non-traditional maps (abstract, 3-dimensional, whatever)

    Category: Cartographer of the Year.
    (top 2 finishers from each subcategory are considered for the overall award)
    Subcategory: Scribe of the Year (active forum participant who consistently contributes interesting/helpful discussion.)
    Subcategory: Artist of the Year (based on maps produced that year)
    Subcategory: Mentor of the Year (based on tutorials/tools produced that year)
    Last edited by Coriolis; 09-05-2016 at 05:37 PM.

  9. #29
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Must be original products produced during the year.
    I don't think that should be a restriction, I think it should just be maps finished in that year. Many of the hobbyist here have maps they've worked on for years but never quite finished, it'd be a shame to exclude such maps so arbitrarily. After all it's no longer a challenge it's an award, so I think the time limit is unnecessary.

  10. #30
    Guild Journeyer Eld's Avatar
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    I agree with Falconius, myself being one of those hobbyists working several years on a map (instead of several maps in a year).

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