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Thread: Dyson's Mapvember 2016

  1. #21


    On the 15th day of Mapvember, Miska gave to me...



    So there's a magic portal in the middle of this insane structure. Or a mindflayer elder brain. Your call.

    Also, Mapvember 15 means I'm HALF WAY DONE Mapvember already!

    When I started on Mapvember I was planning to keep all my maps small - like quarter-page to half-page in size.
    Of course, the very first one I drew broke that at two half-pages, but I brought it back under control with the second one.
    And then flubbed it. I think there are two maps in the whole set that don't take up the majority of a page.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  2. #22


    On the sixteenth day of Mapvember, Miska gave to me...



    I was doing JUST FINE drawing my dungeons before this whole #Mapvember thing. I avoid symmetry like the plague normally, but after yesterday's circular weirdness, I was again thinking of arcs and partial symmetry today. So, uhm, screw you +Miska Fredman

    Today's map is "Trapped in the tomb of the 14 Imperial Princesses" - a tomb complex featuring a massive stone barricade that locks down once people have breached the first doors and traveled 20 feet past the stones. Then there's a portcullis to add insult to injury. And of course, whatever other traps that were placed on or with the 14 Imperial Princesses when they all failed to take the Imperial throne.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  3. #23
    Professional Artist Salama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Dude, you're killing it like a rockstar! I have no idea how you manage to keep up, I'm so frigging much behind.

  4. #24
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I really like your more symmetrical dungeons a lot too But my favourite so far (although more of a joke) is the "control(ler)" map. Keep up the mapping madness!

    instagram | maps | motley mapping fragments
    Map is not territory...

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Salama View Post
    Dude, you're killing it like a rockstar! I have no idea how you manage to keep up, I'm so frigging much behind.
    It helps that this is my full-time gig.

    However, I've fallen behind too.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  6. #26


    On the Seventeenth day of Mapvember Miska gave to me...



    This dual-purposed map can either be a thieve's guild training environment, or a Tucker's Kobolds nightmare. Small secret tunnels connect the main passages, too small for anyone but a size small creature without armour. Many of these small passages also have staging areas for the defenders to organize in.

    It is a pointless exercise in bizarre architecture at heart. - with a number of checkpoints where the kobolds or thieves can check on and intercept the progress of those in the main passage.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  7. #27


    On the eighteenth day of Mapvember, Miska gave to me...



    I think I'll end up leaving this map here, without adding hatching or half-walls around the edges. It is already somewhat confusing and I think any more details will clutter it up and make it worse. I'll probably just shade the non-explorable areas in grey in post-production after I scan it at the end of the month.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  8. #28


    On the umpteenth day of Mapvember, Miska gave to me...



    When the flaming metal castle arrived in the skies, it was intercepted by three warlocks in mid-air - one on her hippogriff, one on flying carpet, and one just levitating there in the skies as this monstrosity of steel and fire approached.

    But as hoped, their magics prevailed and the castle was shattered and fell to the land in pieces - most into the Lake of 800 Lilies, but one section sliding along the shore to come to rest near the fishing village of Velland.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  9. #29


    On the 20th day of Mapvember, Miska gave to me...



    This small dungeon (much more linear than my standard... because it is 100% linear...) has a slight slime problem. And now the slime is working its way out.

    (I'm also two days behind, time to get cracking!)
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
    I really like your more symmetrical dungeons a lot too But my favourite so far (although more of a joke) is the "control(ler)" map. Keep up the mapping madness!
    I like "Control" because it was that moment of revelation that I can even make jokes look good now.
    Dyson's Dodecahedron
    an RPG blog, with a few maps

    Pretty much all my maps are drawn by hand - ink on paper - and then scanned and contrast-enhanced

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