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Thread: Errispa

  1. #21
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    This, however, still doesn't give me an excuse for getting left and right the wrong way around.
    I have been told that there are some folks that have a discreet "L" tattooed at the base of the pointer finger on their left hand to help with this sort of thing.

  2. #22


    Damn! Thought I kept it covered most of the time! LOL!

    I know I should be embarrassed about it, really, but I'm too old to worry about it any more. I once directed my boss to drive 30 miles the wrong way along a motorway before I realised I'd made one of those east v west mistakes with the signposting at a major junction. We were supposed to be going into London for an important meeting, but ended up nearly in Luton!

  3. #23

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse
    This, however, still doesn't give me an excuse for getting left and right the wrong way around.
    I have been told that there are some folks that have a discreet "L" tattooed at the base of the pointer finger on their left hand to help with this sort of thing.
    When i was a kid, i rememebr my father thought me easy way to tell which way is which. It is about word "Lewo" (which in Polish mean "left") it can be used for english too because both starts with the same letter.

    Just do this with your hands (the thumbs don't have to be connected)


    And the hand that creates letter L is the left side

  5. #25


    LOL! Thanks Voolf!

    My ex got so used to it that whenever I told him 'left', he'd say which one? the left-left, or the other one?

    My reply was usually 'Port!' or 'Starb'd!', since oddly enough I never ever got those mixed up. (Port is left). He learned to 'navigate', quite literally! LOL!
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-26-2017 at 12:05 AM.

  6. #26


    I've Wilburised the land masses. Its my first go with the software, so it might not be very good.

    Errispa Decorative 5.jpg

  7. #27


    Looking good. I like the style of the mountains.


  8. #28


    Thanks Arsheesh

    The mountains originate from the Fractal Terrain export, and have been modified in Wilbur by erosion and incised flow. I have already done a slightly better one, but its not so very different as to deserve another WIP upload. I'll add some more artwork first

  9. #29
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    It's looking great Mouse! The land shapes are really attractive and I like the colors so far. Can't wait to see where you take this!

  10. #30


    Tis awesome Mouse! I have to learn how to do this kind of mountains. I have downloaded the G.Projector you said you used ? But it seems i have to have some images for that? I wanted to download fractal terrain but its not free. Are there any alternatives ?

    Looking forward for the next update.

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