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Thread: *** August/September 2017 Two Month Summer Challenge Special ***

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    About the Urban Mapping thread, I'm not planning on using it, but when I first browsed through it I was wondering if that layout could be used as a component in a larger map (such as an intersection in a bigger city map), or if the entire map has to be worked into what is there (which honestly could bring up more interesting results because it's more difficult)?
    I'm using several instances of it as a pattern of composition in each of my cubes, whether the pattern be part of a city, a field layout, an underwater reef system, or whatever.

    I think I may have a problem with sticking to ISO to get the effect I desire, however, so I have to choose a different Lite Challenge theme. I can only see this idea I've got in true perspective, with a field of cubes of varying size orbiting a white dwarf star like an asteroid belt.

  2. #22
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    This is interesting and a good amount of time, I'm busy wondering if I can make it dovetail with a project of my own that I've been thinking of. I think it can. I've been wanting to make a dwarf city which would be a multi-level map, set in the mountains, with a submerged bit where the underways got flooded.... So that's got: Map a Mountain Location, Submerged, and Verticality, covered. Got to do the prep before starting any thread though. It may well be beyond the scope of the time allotted, but it's worth a shot amiright?
    Dang ! Thats similar to what I was thinking of ! Did you ever read Dragonlance when they go to.... hmm rack brain for name... is it Tarsis ? And there was another bit in the book where the black dragon lives that is the whole city that slipped sideways in the cataclysm and the water rushed in and created the sloping multi layered city ruins with water pouring all over it.

    We recently (two months ago ??) had a post somewhere where I was talking about submerged texturing of coastal rocks and cliffs. So I thought maybe have some kind of city that had slipped just like that one in the book but this one was next to the sea instead of cavernous. So I was thinking of some kind of dwarven or dragon hoard where the land had sunk due to some volcanic or other catastrophic event revealing the gold. So urban, submerged and gold or urban, submerged and vertical.

    Given that you do great 3D work it would be super interesting to see what you come up with on this.

    EDIT: Had to look it up - it was Xak Tsaroth for the black dragon and Istar for the underwater city.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 08-04-2017 at 01:53 PM.

  3. #23
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    For those of you that have questions about what exactly is required for a particular challenge idea, I encourage you to read the relevant thread carefully, as most questions have already been brought up and answered. The Urban Planning one, for example, says this:

    You must stick to the fundamental plan as far as possible and the layout must be recognizable in your entry.
    I would interpret that as:
    -the plan just has to be represented somehow in the finished product. It doesn't say you have to stick with the top-down think outline that's shown.
    -It also doesn't have to be the entirety of the entry: "...must be recognizable IN your entry."

  4. #24
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    Quick question, what if you chose contradicting themes, ala Turning It on Its Side and Fun with Isometrics?
    Can you not do that or would you be forced to do two different views of it?

  5. #25
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    That's up to you. If it was me, I probably wouldn't choose contradicting themes. But that's supposed to be part of the challenge - if you DO choose those and somehow make it work, it should be awesome.

  6. #26
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    I'm stumped by my own challenge! No idea what I'll do.

  7. #27


    Is it ok if I scrap my current idea and start a new one altogether?

    I think I was having a weird day yesterday!

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Is it ok if I scrap my current idea and start a new one altogether?

    I think I was having a weird day yesterday!
    Absolutely not! Your idea sounds wonderful and weird

    Of course, I have no actual say in this matter tho

  9. #29
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    Mouse, that's fine. Let me know if/when you want the title of your thread changed.

  10. #30


    Thanks D

    I don't want to change it more than once, so it may be a while (possibly even a few weeks) before I think of a better title

    @Weery - sorry!

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