21. Ctrl-click on the “base” layer (in the layers palette) to load it as a selection (in newer versions of Photoshop you have to ctrl-click on the thumbnail in the layers palette). Select > Inverse then hit the delete key then deselect. Add a layer style of gradient overlay; we’ll use 4 colors with 5 stops as follows: color 1 at the 5% position is flat white, color code FFFFFF (rgb 255, 255, 255); color 2 at the 35% position is a dark olive green, color code 405018 (rgb 64, 80, 24); color 3 at the 60% position is the same dark olive green; color 4 at the 85% position is a dark flesh, color code DAC094 (rgb 218, 192, 14
; and color 5 at the 100% position is a papyrus, color code F0E6BE (rgb 240, 230, 190). Set the blend mode of the gradient to hard light with 100% opacity. Next we’ll add a layer style of outer glow: use a light blue, any will do for now and you can change it later but I use 40C8FF (rgb 64, 200, 255). Set the blend mode of the outer glow to screen at 25% opacity and a size of 11. If you want a lighter gradient then add a layer style of color overlay of white and set the blend mode to soft light and then turn down the opacity until you are happy with it.