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Thread: Inhabitants of the world. Any need for illustrations?

  1. #351
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  2. #352
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected 12rounds's Avatar
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    Name: Countess Sullivan
    Race: Human
    Location: Morton, Thrubmorton Fens

    As Countess of Morton, Lady Sullivan holds one of the most important positions a woman can formally possess in Thrubmorton Fens. A wife to Count Ludwig Morton, The Crimson Knight, Lady Sullivan is naturally less famous than her husband but many people know that the countess actually holds much more power in her hands than the good count. It's a common known fact that Lord Morton is a physical man - a man who enjoys the outdoors and getting his hands on all sorts of physical activities. Including taking part of common construction projects in the city, helping out a local merchant family fix their leaking roof or even rescuing a panicked, meowing cat from a tree.

    Lady Sullivan is another matter. She believes that the nobility should actually rule insted of cohorting with the common masses. It's a subject of frequent and heated discussions between the two and a resolution to this conflict does not seem likely until either one backs off on their stance. Countess Sullivan pretty much controls the common affairs needed to make the city function and prosper. She controls the advisors, the civil servants and even city guard - just because Lord Morton gets easily bored if he's ever needed to sit down for hours on end and listen to people complain about this and that and their grandmother. Of course if Lord Morton happens to say something to someone about anything really, his word will be final on the subject and everyone else - including his wife - backs off. It's just a rare occurrence for Lord Morton to have an opinion on how the city should be managed and run. Not that he doesn't care, but his mind quickly begins to wander and his interest wane when the matters at hand are routine in nature. Lady Sullivan is the de facto ruler of the Morton family and by extension she pretty much rules the whole county.

    Lady Sullivan is very aware of her status and many believe she is arrogant and condescenting because of this. Nevertheless she is careful with her words knowing that in politics the words are the weapons. She does have extensive verbal talents. When she gets infuriated, the words she fires from her lips are continuous, blunt, harsh whippings and lashings that effectively slash the weak points of the recipient. Nobody likes to hear negative things about their shortcomings, weaknesses, looks, mental or physical defects or their lineage. She knows exactly where to strike should the need arise.

    Currently 24 family members (some of which are just small children) of the Morton family live in the Morton Castle and they extend their power to all activites within the city and throughout the whole county. So much so that absolutely nothing can happen without the approval of some of the Mortons. The consistency of decisionmaking is held up by Lady Sullivan. She has managed to force all the members of the Morton clan to gather together during dinner time and during the dinner they discuss urgent matters, general guidelines on how to rule and what's happening and why. Roughly twice a week the dinner includes guests such as high-ranking civil servants, guild leaders, merchants, clergy or prominent artisans or somesuch folks of distinction. The meaning behind this is to keep the ruling family "in the loop" of how the daily life goes on and whether or not the guests have any wishes or requests on how their line of business can be helped to function better. Of course many guests are not feeling comfortable enough to express their ideas and feelings candidly but those who dare say their piece often later find out it having a beneficial effect. But everyone also knows there is a fine line not to be crossed - the Mortons do not take kindly to propositions that would lessen the family's hold (or squeeze, depending on whom one asks) on the affairs of the county.

    ### PIC ###

    Last edited by 12rounds; 06-16-2016 at 05:43 AM.

  3. #353
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    *Continues Applauding*
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  4. #354


    Nice! I think that's your best yet.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  5. #355

  6. #356
    Guild Journeyer Avengeil's Avatar
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    So perfect....

  7. #357
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected 12rounds's Avatar
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    First, thank you all for your kind comments! It's really appreciated.
    And now for today's update.


    Name: Durgar
    Race: Dwarf
    Location: Thrub, Morton or Easthold Castle, Thrubmorton Fens

    One of the finest alchemists of Thrubmorton Fens, Durgar is as famous as an alchemist can be. He is utterly devoted to his craft and his passion and dedication has taken him on a road on which he has tackled great mysteries and faced mortal danger. So much so that many people dismiss him as a crazed old scientist trying to reach a realm any sane person would leave alone. And yes ... he is prone to recklessness and insane bravado when doing his work.

    Durgar has three residences at the moment. His mansion is located in Thrub somewhat outside the city in a beautiful secluded forest clearing facing a small lake. This is the place where Durgar mostly charges his batteries, rests and spends time thinking. He doesn't have a family any longer - his dedication to the alchemical crafts has driven away his former companion and she took with her their two sons. In Morton Durgar has his primary workshop. There he spends three quarters of his time surrounded by dangerous liquids, lethal essences and a team of more-or-less experienced apprentices. Explosions and fires are not uncommon. Hence the workshop is now contained within it's own city block separated from the rest of the city by tall stone fence - which has the convenient side effect of keeping the business of the alchemists out of the sight of common people. The place is not at all liked by the good people of Morton because many believe that Durgar is dealing with forces best left alone. There is justification to this belief: a decade ago an accident in the workshop released strange gases in the air and hundreds of people in the city reported seeing the strangests of things for a duration of several days. Things like flying pink lizardmen attacking the city from the sky. The third place of residence is in the Easthold Castle. Nothing much is known about that except that Durgar does there some work that has already taken three years and he doesn't share anything about this even with his apprentices - he goes to Easthold Castle alone and secludes himself into his subterranean workshop not even interacting with the local people. Excepting the people who apparently are his employers: the rulers of Easthold Castle. His work in Easthold Castle takes him there about thrice a year for periods of one to two weeks at a time.

    Durgar's specialty is essence extraction. He masters many alchemical disciplines ranging from material mutations to potion making to creation of potent dissolvents, but his main field of study has been essence extraction and imbuing for at least 50 years. Without a doubt he is one of the leading professionals in this very narrow field of expertise in the whole of Ansium.

    ### PIC ###
    Last edited by 12rounds; 10-28-2010 at 10:51 AM.

  8. #358
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Gosh, I must have missed Countess Sullivan and that portrait is a doozy - and in Thrubland too !!!. I would have said best yet but then Durgar comes along and now I think this one is the best yet. Theres no doubt about it, your getting better and better at these and the shading and textures are real cool. All of these character profiles are so colourful and interesting. I really must take all of the named characters and put them on the map at their designated positions.

    I'm betting that a character like Durgar would draw all sorts of interesting people to the city of Morton to visit him. You might accidentally run into some real powerful wizard on the roads around Morton. Theres supposed to be some kind of unnamed, unknown as yet sort of wizard or similar in the Arcanspikes. These are two high peaks, spires or strangely unnatural kind of tall spikes of rock with some sort of castle type thing on top. In them are two mysterious wizards.

  9. #359
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    *arms becoming numb from the continuous applause*
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  10. #360
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected 12rounds's Avatar
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    Name: Argyld Willem
    Race: Human
    Location: Witchlight Strand / Bruskos

    It's a common known fact that many who explore the strange wildernesses and long lost cities of Bruskos, are not going to return with their sanity intact. In fact most do not come back at all. That's no excuse for trying though. There's enough legends of untold riches and unresolved mysteries to lure adventurous minds into the bowels of Bruskos. However, since the wilderness of Bruskos is mostly rough to navigate and still remains unmapped, one needs someone to at least give a nudge to the right direction. Enter Argyld Willem - a seasoned river guide and adventurer.

    Argyld's business is guiding expeditions and adventurer groups. He is a river guide and sticks with his plan - asking him about the forests or jungles of Bruskos will usually only result in the shrugging of shoulders. And rivers he knows. He knows quite well the major watervays that penetrate deep into Bruskos and he knows where it is safe to make camp and most importantly where it is not safe.

    Argyld is a somber and quiet person. He doesn't want to interact with his passengers any more than it is needed and he absolutely doesn't want to bond with any of them in any way. That's because he knows that after dropping his passengers off to where ever they wish to start exploring, he won't be seeing them again. Unless discounting the "floaters" - corpses or pieces of them grimly floating downstream. Argyld offers his services for a fee and his fee must always be paid full in advance. Argyld has several different open topped river vessels accomodating between 3 and 8 passengers and their gear. When asked he will give advice on what to bring along, but otherwise he makes it clear that what stuff he himself brings along is only meant for him. Argyld has about a dozen regular camp sites alongside the river banks of the river routes and some of them have hidden supplies as well. Most of them are accessible by boat only and some are actually caverns.

    Meeting Argyld may be tricky. He doesn't have a permanent residence. A bit of persistence is required to hook up with him. His business is known among seasoned adventurers (and bartenders) and with luck he can be met in any of the major cities dotting Witchlight Strand.

    ### PIC ###
    Last edited by 12rounds; 10-28-2010 at 10:52 AM.

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