All right, it seems it has been six months since I posted anything to this thread. But that doesn't mean I had stopped working with this map, quite the contrary. I've been adding names slowly and finally, after 16 months of making, from which 11 months of just lettering, the map is ready for colouring! All the labels are now added.
scan 1.2.2019 1700.png
So, a small recap of the map:
- Depicts a fictional country of Magran, based on some continental maps I made several years ago
- Completely hand drawn with pens on paper, including labels
- Labels written with six different invented languages
- About 30 x 35 cm (12" x 14")
The lettering was quite an enormous project. Well, I have to say that there were many long breaks when I didn't do anything to this map, and I have also spend some time in the meanwhile drawing other maps and testing colours for this map. However it's done now. Ever since I begun writing the labels I marked them also to separate list, so I could count them and keep some tracking. First I thought there would be about 400 - 500 labels but I was very wrong, the final amount was 950. About three quarters of the labels are for the cities, towns and villages and rest for natural features and regions. If someone is interested in details, I might edit some more info about the names later.
So, I have been also doing a lot of testing with the colours, I mean a lot. It has taken more time than actual drawing lately. I thought for a long time that I would colour this with Koi watercolour brush pens. But the more I used them, the more I realised that firstly I wasn't happy with the evenness of the colours and secondly the colour schemes I could get were not satisfying. So after going back and forth I decided to switch to copic pens. But then I had to find the right colours with then, which was also frustrating. I have a good art supply shop near where I live, but there's only Copic Ciao pens and not even all of them. I like to test the pens in the shop, but then again I couldn't decide anything because I knew there would be more options for colours available. So I bought some more pens from the web, but even with them I wasn't satisfied, so I had to go to a big art supply shop when visiting Helsinki, because there are all copic colours available. And finally I found the scheme I was looking for, from colours I couldn't have known without testing. Whoah. So now everything is ready for finishing the map with colours! (And I also have a ridiculous amount of Copics with different shades of green. They were not very cheap but I'm sure there will be use for them later.)
Here's also a test map I made, this map has the colours I will be using in the map. It's really difficult to get the colours look the same in the picture as in the paper but I think this is quite close. The scheme is quite pale, but it's close to the 1950's atlases from which I have taken the most inspiration to this map.
I hope I will get the map finished until the end of March.
Feel free to give any comments or thoughts you have!