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Thread: The Ward of Chiezbehrg [City of Guild]

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    Map The Ward of Chiezbehrg [City of Guild]

    I can not tell you how glad I am to be done with this section.
    I almost bit off too much on this and it took a lot longer than planned.
    And this is not actually the version I was planning to make.
    Maybe I will make another version, if time allows at some point.

    Anyhow, I did really enjoy this project, Guild City, and I'm glad we had so many people join in.
    I hope everyone will finish at some point. Same with all of the Guild World countries.
    If you recall, I was putting many guild members into this section.
    Now I have all of them in. I know i forgot one thing though, which is sad because I have no desire to correct it right now.
    I forgot to add the label for the monastery of the Casein Monks, those peaceful pontificators of cheese, masters of the whey.
    I'll try to get that in there later.

    This was a weird map, due to the odd section shape and not having enough data to show neighboring sections' details.
    Still, I think it may have come out ok. I had fun with the names.
    I should probably put a text list of who is who on the map. Maybe I will let people try to figure it out.
    That might be fun. Might also be quite difficult for some.
    I was not able to get everyone's name in. I tried to include those who had worked on Guildworld or Guildcity.

    I tried to make names fun and tongue in cheek humor. Nothing is meant to offend anyone.
    There will be more and further info over in the Guild city thread.
    Regarding further mapping for Chiezbehrg, such as the sewers, which I have already begun [because I am insane].

    Anyways, here's the map of the Ward of Chiezbehrg.

    Ward of Chiezbehrg [Guildcity] by sirinkman.jpg
    Last edited by J.Edward; 08-07-2017 at 10:22 AM.

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