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Thread: Carremvek

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    Default Carremvek

    I've been meaning to make a start on this for ages but have felt awfully uninspired lately and so I've been wasting time playing games instead. Today I decided to make a proper start.

    For this town I'm only using my usual style to do the building outlines. For everything else I intend to hand draw and colour it. No other layer style trickery. Except I'll still probably throw my favourite texture on top of the whole thing at 10% overlay. Because it makes life better. =P


    Carremvek is a settlement about 20 miles away from the City of Argot - a city which fell to ruin about ten years ago under mysterious circumstances. The City of Argot and the outlying regions are famed for their fine wines - it was their chief export. Carremvek was a small village that grew vines for much cheaper wine intended for general consumption. It doesn't even sit on any major road - the road it sits on only having become important since the main way into Argot was brought to ruin along with the city.

    Since the fall of the City, Carremvek has become something of a "base camp" for treasure hunters, scholars, and basically just looters traveling to argot to pick the city and the outlying region clean. Vines and old argot wines are the most prized targets rather than things like gold and the like. The village has grown a lot to both service and combat these vultures. A gaol has been constructed by the now much diminished Duke of Argot to hold such people but the problem is they need to have looted something first and many who go to argot do not come back - or if they do, they take another road.

    Carremvek is home to the gaol (which I posted previously) and the House of Rotten Grapes (which I also posted). Caplynn Castle (another one I posted!) can also be found some distance away.
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