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Thread: February 2018 Challenge: The Kingdom of Bird's rebirth

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    Default February 2018 Challenge: The Kingdom of Bird's rebirth

    Probably won't finish this one properly, but, why not try. I did't like my prophecy, and switched it for a new one quite quickly, much shorter, and sorta clearer. The Kingdom of Bird shall rise after the Last Storm gathers
    On the map, Bird, in that narrow strait, is a land sunken under the sea, which was once inhabited by a powerful civilisation. Note: Bird doesn't mean A bird at all. Just thought I'd use a weird name (the original prophecy contained the Kingdom of Roses, but there's Roses in Diamond's entry, so I changed it).
    So as you can imagine, the land is about to be wrecked with terrible cataclysms,, earthquakes, hurricanes, and the 'Last Storm' after which the newly-risen land of Bird shall be seen. The descendants of the Bird People are scattered over the coasts and small islands, and they have held the prophecy for eons. It is believed that when the Bird island shall rise, the local tribe leaders will flock to the ancient capital city, and there, the new High King shall be chosen and the ancient manuscripts, protected, according to legend, somewhere on the yet-to-rise island, shall be read for the Birds to discover about their ancstors' secrets...
    Edit: I'll use this map as reference instead. Now I feel like the weight of this little horror has been lifted from my shoulders!! I'll be drawing by hand, and maybe adding some digital color.
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    Last edited by Diamond; 02-24-2018 at 01:44 PM.

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