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Thread: Procedural mapping style experiments

  1. #31


    Looking great Gilgamec! The one thing I don't get is what the advantage of mapping in a procedural way is...does it mean that once you have the procedure sorted, you just have to enter a number of variables and then the map will draw itself?

  2. #32
    Professional Artist
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    It's probably for churning out an entire atlas of similar looking maps.. which can come in very handy. Otherwise you tend to drift from look to look I would think? Good thread! (-:

  3. #33
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    The last thing you might want to think about is giving it that spotty, halftone pattern, printed look. Completely optional because if it was to get printed the printed version would look spotty, but I'm just saying you could give it that look if you wanted to. Very well done, though.
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  4. #34
    Guild Journeyer gilgamec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    The one thing I don't get is what the advantage of mapping in a procedural way is...does it mean that once you have the procedure sorted, you just have to enter a number of variables and then the map will draw itself?
    Yes, it could work that way. In general, though, I use procedural methods because they let me use my programming skills to make up for my complete lack of manual dexterity and artistic talent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
    The last thing you might want to think about is giving it that spotty, halftone pattern, printed look. Completely optional because if it was to get printed the printed version would look spotty, but I'm just saying you could give it that look if you wanted to. Very well done, though.
    I've done some tests in that direction. The biggest problem I've come across is in the conversion to PNG, actually; the (vector) dots, when rasterized, tend to create nasty Moire aliasing. I may fiddle with it some more, but as you said, it's not a big problem right now.

  5. #35
    Guild Member Facebook Connected cjs0216's Avatar
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    I can't wait to get to a point in mapping where I can emulate some sort of style without falling back on one of Ascension's tutorials. Great work, man.

    It's probably for churning out an entire atlas of similar looking maps.. which can come in very handy. Otherwise you tend to drift from look to look I would think? Good thread! (-:
    This is something I'd like to eventually do with the world building I'm in the middle of doing. From overland to cities. One day maybe...

    Again, great work...I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for sure!
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