Got a late start on this one (don't you hate it when work interferes with mapmaking?), but here goes...

Some 450 years past, the kingdom of Shannara was plunged into a second decades-long civil war between the great houses of Weston and Wickham. In 910 A.C., the forces commanded by Lord Wickham sacked Tarynth, capital of the realm and seat of House Weston, and Lord Janos Wickham installed himself as king. Driven out of the city but not conceding defeat, forces commanded by Lord Philip Weston and his allies laid siege to the city in 912 A.C. House Weston was aided by rebel forces inside of Tarynth, who had been subjected to vicious and depraved treatment by the self-styled King Janos and his cronies. Both of the great houses also called upon the services of mercenary companies from the nearby realm of Duscany.

For now, this is just a very rough sketch of the city of Tarynth. The upper portion is the Old City; the rest is the New City, with the Royal Quarters and Military Quarters behind their own walls. Not yet visible are Freedom Bay, to the west, and Angler's Bay, to the south. I plan to show where various military and rebel units were stationed towards the end of the siege in 913 A.C.

### Latest WIP ###
tarynth sketch v2 (sm).jpg