Et ce fut rapide!
The wonders of Atlantide are endless.
Great job on this second map Warlin with excellent color/picto choices. I love the flavour of it.
Also out of rep, sadly...
Sorry can't rep you yet. This again is outstanding and the colors are really beautiful (minus the slightly dark issue noted). The color key, graphics, and text are so beautifully done.
The tight text leading and treatment of subheads gives this map such a historical flair, these little thing are what make a map an award winner. Great job on all the text treatment.
Couple comments.
Your longitude lines are touching the border?
Since you use caps on first letter of Horizontal Scale, should "D" in "Height and depth" be treated the same?
The spacing between headers and accompanying paragraphs vary a little too much?
Love the credit to the Hydrographer.
Looking forward to seeing the third in the series. Then you can rest on your laurels.
Beautiful map- really convincing antique style!
This is just gorgeous. I love the texture and color temperatures.
Having extensively searched this website for the last few weeks, your map is one of my favorites. It's amazing. It's kind of what I've been thinking of. A couple of quick questions:
1. Roughly how many hours did it take to produce?
2. Have you printed this in large scale?
3. Did you make updated versions of it?
4. On a difficulty level from 1 to 10, how hard was this to produce?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated! I love your work!
I love the detailed nature of your map. Any tips you can share to making a map like this, of such high quality?
Hi guilders !
Here is the last update and the final map of the Atlantide set. I'm really happy to share with you this one, which took me another amount of hour of patient work and is close to what I have in mind when I started this set a year ago.
Tips for that kind of map ? Not sure i'm able to tell you at the moment, but when my ideas will be clearer i may share with you the experience I had with it.
Hope you enjoy it.
Instant rep and amazement ! Bravo pour ce travail titanesque au résultat splendide !
Can we just give you an Atlas Award already?