OK, here's another update, and a rather long one.
1. What's an 'Earthlike planet'?
A few days ago I was thinking: "When I talk abaut Rautah I want to be more precise than saying it's an 'Earthlike planet'." So I sat down, did some research, started calculating and after a few hours came up with these numbers:
- Radius (eq.): 7 353 km (1.154 times Earth) (I'm not yet sure about the polar radius)
- Equator length: 46 199 km (1.153 E)
- Area: 679 384 087 km² (1.332 E) (calculated for a perfect sphere)
- Tropics: 22° 09' 19.6" [22.155°] (a little south of Earth's tropics)
- Polar circles: 67° 50' 40.4" [67.845°] (a little north of Earth's polar circles)
- Volume: 1.665 x 10^12 km (1.537 E)
- Mass: 7.677 x 10^24 kg (1.285 E)
- Density: 4.611 g/cm³ (0.836 E) (less than Earth to compensate for its larger volume and still have a comparable surface gravity)
- Gravity: 9.477 m/s² (0.967 E)
- Length of day: 24h 19m 11s [24.320 Earth hours] (1.013 E)
If you spot any inconsistencies or outright impossibilities, feel free to point them out.
2. Tectonics revisited
When I saw Pixie's latest tectonics map I told him I was jealous.So I had another look at mine. I thought it was OK, but I also wanted to have some more interesting areas. Of course I didn't want to imitate Pixie, but his map made me try a few things with mine. The result is below. I added a few smaller plates, broke up some others and made some adjustments to their movements and the continental shelves. Be my guest to comment. I just hope I didn't make a mess of it...
3. Taboran revisited
In my very first post on CG I told about Taboran, the very first continent I had imagined. I was almost certain that somewhere I still had a crude drawing of it on graph paper. So I started searching in some boxes that were tucked away in hard-to-reach corners. It didn't even take too long before I could exclaim: "Lo and behold!" I quickly scanned it and gave Taboran a place on the planet Rautah. I downgraded it to an island, because its original size as a continent would have been too large to fit. You can find it on the eastern boundary of the eponimously named tectonic plate (one of the new plates). The island is created by Taboran plate colliding into Yirral plate. It does feel good to finally find a place for it
4. Windswept
I started with the preparations for a climate map, but it's going quite slowly, as I expected. I've come as far as the maps with the dominant winds. I'm not going to say too much about it, but let you judge. The first one is for the Northern winter / Southern summer (January), the second one for the Northern summer / Southern winter (July). On these maps the polar fronts and the ITCZ are straight lines (for the time being).
Rautah_Winds_NWSS.png Rautah_Winds_NSSW.png
Thanks for having reached this point of my rant
Cheers - Akubra
[EDIT] I realize I haven't taken into account mountain ranges in the maps with the dominant winds. I have prepared a crude mountain ranges map which I will post tomorrow.