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Thread: [Region 1][Map 07][Location 02] Snapgallows

  1. #31
    Guild Artisan su_liam's Avatar
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    I like Nope's Smithy.

    "So is there anyone around here who can do some metal work for me?"
    "Oh well."
    "Nay, nay. Oweul's the baker. Over on Bending Road. Ye be wantin' Nope the Smith. Down the street, jest past Hebbie's place."

  2. #32
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hi Seer, I have another one...

    Not so many but also of excellent quality. The top post says they are all CC (actually the CC-SA-NC-Attrib as usual). Theres some ones in there that seem pretty relevant to your Snapgallows style tho.

    Bagsie I get the Wyvern tho... perfect as Brokus Warclaw - Krulls Steed !

  3. #33
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Believe it or not, suliam, it went pretty close to that, each of the FHCO'S got to make up a name or two, and Lemur, who's 3, was being a grump (cause I would not let her run the rototiller) and when Ol' Horsehair asked her if she wanted to make up a calling for a character , she said "NOPE!!",,,,,and it stuck...and I think we shall filch Oweul the Baker, as I forgot a bakery, the kids remembered a sweet shop though,,,,and Bending road works good too,alot of their roads are bendy,,,,,,names get to be a lot of work, we start looking on soda cans, cookie wrappers, raisin tubs, and so on, their pronunciation makes for a good laugh and better name.

    They like plays on words, Ol' Horsehairs real name is Royt Hayer,,, (cause he wears a long coat made from the hairy hide of his last mare, " she carried me true for twenty years, so I figured I owed her a ride or two.")
    so it goes
    "Where's Ol' Horsehair?"


    "No, you weren't a moment ago!"


    "Nay, you weren't roight heah when I was looking for ya!"

    and so on, Ol' Horsehair was once a courier, who ran messages to the nearest Wyverns for his commander, and his annoying habit of always being Royt Hayer!, appearing out of no where, and talking loud, led to him being sent to Snapgallows to await an important message, "wait as long as it takes", they said, and so he has, for years and years, proving his loyalty, and making his commander so happy.

    Thanks for the link Redrobes, the kids really enjoy looking about, and concocting histories based on what they see,,,,,at least now they are out of the Pokemon frame of reference and more Snappy.


  4. #34
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Well today has been another day tilling the earth, and not just in the figurative manner, Oi've got blisters to prove it, so we just did a little brainstorming.
    Every Place needs a Faith, perhaps Snapgallows more than any other.
    So we decided that, since the moneyed folk (the Seven Families) have been cursed by Alfert Kier, they are not of the mind to tithe a single copper,why buy a ticket to the great beyond, if you ain't never going ,,the major Religious bureaucracies of Thrubmorton Fen avoid Snapgallows like it is surrounded by the walking dead, the hungry walking dead, baaaaaaaa,,,,leaving just the Church of the Heret.
    Our take on this is still in the "plant the seeds and see what grows" stage, and is subject to change.
    So here goes, Heret was once a Paladin/Esteemed Knight type guy, who for some unformulated (at the moment) reason, wanted to be a God, or, at least, a Godling.
    Presto, chango, green eggs and ham, he found a way,,,,almost, somewhere betwixt the pressing, and the ham, things went wrong, TERWIBBLY WONG,and he "divided".
    Now there is Heret, who is a vengeful godling, spawning the saying "by Heret's Ire",,,,,and Heret's Shadow, a nurturing godling, giving rise to the more often quoted verse "by the Grace of the Shadow".
    Being a Godling, of yet undefined power and reach, perhaps local to West Thrubmorton Fen, he has few churchy types (still working on a name for his Iresome priesthood; edit: would you believe they are called "Thumpers" behind their backs!), the main proponents of the Shadow are Chanters, which are a cross between Gregorian Monks, in appearance, and Mahayanist Monks, in chanting style (2 note throat singing) and beliefs.....This suits me fine as it is an apt description of Myself,,,,,though I hear "look there goes Rasputin" more than "look there goes a Mahayanist who looks like a Gregorian Monk".
    Chanters live in the Chanters Cottage, perform most religious functions, including marriage, which is simply called "the Hop", meaning two folks who want to marry enter the cottage singly, each leaves a copper for the Chanter, and then, as the leave they join hands and "Hop" over the stone that is at the base of the door (I have been wracking my noggin all day to remember what it is called, newlyweds carry or get carried over it, DEPENDING ON WHO HAS THE STRONGER BACK). edit: 2 days later and I remembered "Threshold".

    Chanters also Chant the daily prayers from the Chanters Tower, a picture of which is below, and was a Sketchup oops, that worked out well and gave rise to all of this......

    as an almost end note Heret is short for Heretic, a family joke as I was raised catholic and wandered of too Buddhism, so I am Heret, at Christmas.

    SeerBlue and the FHCO's (In case you are reading this and think "what the?", the kids and I are working on Snapgallows so they can have their own place to play, when we get to that point, and a pdf to show about, so stories, renders (of questionable palette choice), and pictures of just about any manner may show up.......anyone ever try to design an original watch for folks that don't have such a thing, cause a 7 year old asks, "how do the know what time it is" ...
    Sketchup to the rescue.)
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    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-02-2008 at 09:13 PM.

  5. #35
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Would the FHCO's like to apply some questionable palette to this...
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  6. #36
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Awesome, after luch and some gardening, and some photoshopping of a pic of the four of them so they can post it (they want to look cool) I am sure Raskelly will have a great time at it, This is much better than my stick figures, and people in Sketchup are dang hard. SeerBlue and the FHCO's

  7. #37
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Okay, so we printed off about a dozen copies of your pic, Redrobes, and when I left the kids, and the gardening, they where busy with their crayons and colored pencils setting up a color scheme they can agree on,,,,day, night, sunny, storming, so on,,,I am real glad I taught them the basics of shading ages ago cause they are doing a real good job. Once they get something they like we'll set up a psd and name the layers and let them loose( which means I will have to give up the wacom Intous 3 for a few days, dang). Lemur does a good job of colorizing/ hitting the filtering buttons, but typing layer names is not her suit, they end up like jdkdnchfjdhshjd, as can be seen at her spore creature creator repository, I think they go by Bumblemouse there........

    As it was cool outside today they helped pretty much all day in the garden, so they did alot of character work. Ol' Horsehair, and his Horsehair riding coat, has a few pets that are kinda of a cross between an armadillo and a roadkilled flying squirrel, from what I can tell, it is real flat and furry, and rolls up in a ball when afraid,,,,and since they match his coat in color, that is where they hang out, camouflaged. His explanation is "if someone tries to rob me, the little furry guys (name inwork) pop their big eyes open and it scares the robber,they also have sharp quilly things they can shoot which confuse the robber and make him forget he saw them,,,,I think he called it "washes his brain"......

    Rascke Elly changed his name to Raith Elithy, and his story is that Odduck (pronounced Odd duck ) the Grand (so I guess when he named him he was intending him to be a befuddled magicker) once accidentally shrank him,, the only way he can get bigger is to train the Lesser Wyverns to do "stuff Wyverns do" really good. Odduck can't change him back as he doesn't remember how,,,,to many nights in Hebbies.

    They, and Lemur (3," I'm a good girl, so I am good!"), decided Lemurs character is a good sort, during the day she plays the flute in the town for coppers, but at night she goes about seeing who has ancient artifacts that they don't know they have, or shouldn't have, so bad things can't be done with them. Then she returns them to the Vault of Restricted Artifacts (which I still haven't typed up yet). Horsehair says Lemur either knows where poor Alfert's head is, or has it, and doesn't trust the silly Wizards. ( I can use the night soil removal expert here to help her, yes!)
    Their logic for having her have a day job, even though she appears to be a child, is "Snappies would wonder where she got her money for sweets if she did not work."

    I guess I messed up the name of the Sunderers shop,,,,in the journey museum here there is a "Sundry" shop, and it had a display of oldtime candy jars, which they remember best.....So after explaining the difference between sundry and sunderer it was decided we would FHCO it and make the shopkeeper a retired warrior, perhaps a relocated Thanelander,all muscles and fight on the outside, who loves to make sweets....since most in Snapgallows are semi literate, the sign painter (me) mispainted his sign, Sundrier> Sunderer , and few know the difference anyway.
    I muse that this is their twist to Shrek the Thirds Captain Hook and his Marigolds.

    Finally, cause I am tired o' typing, we decided to give the 4th edition a go and bought the players guide, we will minimize the rules/stats to a number they can enjoy and let them play soon.

    SeerBlue and the FHCO's

    Things I got to do so I don't forget.
    Finish modeling the clock/watch tube, which will be produced by the tinner (I have to learn the names,,,,arrgh)
    Make a road sign in Sketchup to go outside the gates which uses pictures instead of words, for Lemur and Bumblemouse ('' Where's that road go"?,,,,Threeways,,,,,''How do they know"?)
    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-02-2008 at 08:45 PM.

  8. #38
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeerBlue View Post
    Well today has been another day tilling the earth, and not just in the figurative manner, Oi've got blisters to prove it, so we just did a little brainstorming.
    Every Place needs a Faith, perhaps Snapgallows more than any other.
    So we decided that, since the moneyed folk (the Seven Families) have been cursed by Alfert Kier, they are not of the mind to tithe a single copper,why buy a ticket to the great beyond, if you ain't never going ,,the major Religious bureaucracies of Thrubmorton Fen avoid Snapgallows like it is surrounded by the walking dead, the hungry walking dead, baaaaaaaa,,,,leaving just the Church of the Heret.
    Our take on this is still in the "plant the seeds and see what grows" stage, and is subject to change.
    So here goes, Heret was once a Paladin/Esteemed Knight type guy, who for some unformulated (at the moment) reason, wanted to be a God, or, at least, a Godling.
    Presto, chango, green eggs and ham, he found a way,,,,almost, somewhere betwixt the pressing, and the ham, things went wrong, TERWIBBLY WONG,and he "divided".
    Now there is Heret, who is a vengeful godling, spawning the saying "by Heret's Ire",,,,,and Heret's Shadow, a nurturing godling, giving rise to the more often quoted verse "by the Grace of the Shadow".
    Being a Godling, of yet undefined power and reach, perhaps local to West Thrubmorton Fen, he has few churchy types (still working on a name for his Iresome priesthood), the main proponents of the Shadow are Chanters, which are a cross between Gregorian Monks, in appearance, and Mahayanist Monks, in chanting style (2 note throat singing) and beliefs.....This suits me fine as it is an apt description of Myself,,,,,though I hear "look there goes Rasputin" more than "look there goes a Mahayanist who looks like a Gregorian Monk".
    Chanters live in the Chanters Cottage, perform most religious functions, including marriage, which is simply called "the Hop", meaning two folks who want to marry enter the cottage singly, each leaves a penny for the Chanter, and then, as the leave they join hands and "Hop" over the stone that is at the base of the door (I have been wracking my noggin all day to remember what it is called, newlyweds carry or get carried over it, DEPENDING ON WHO HAS THE STRONGER BACK).

    Chanters also Chant the daily prayers from the Chanters Tower, a picture of which is below, and was a Sketchup oops, that worked out well and gave rise to all of this......

    I've added a modified version of the Pantheon from my campaign world to the Wiki for all to use. You may want to have a look at it to see if any of the deities in there fit what you have in mind for Heret. If so, let us know which one and I can add Heret as a local "avatar/alias" for this region to the Wiki entry. If not we can always add a new one.
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    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  9. #39
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Cool, we were browsing thru there today, as, Iresome, or nice, or Esteemed Knight guy is a pretty lame description, and as far as pantheons go I only know Buddhism and Catholicism, one of which does not fit and the other of which clashes with the kids belief system, and I don't tread on those toes. Fictional ones are okay for them to hear about.
    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-02-2008 at 09:16 PM.

  10. #40
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    oops, I was supposed to post this, this is Hebbie the Elder, the owner of Hebbies Ale House who satched many pieces of copper the day Old Alfert lost his head, its been on my HD for awhile so I don't remember who Photoshopped it from the original public domain image at the Library of Congress, but I will be told I am sure. Just a couple of filters and a layer of two with the air brush, I think.
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
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